Necip Mahfuz’un Sufiliği ve Midak Sokağı’ndaki Sufi İmgeleri

Bu çalışmada Necip Mahfuz’un dini yönü ve sufiliği üzerinde durulmuş; romanı Midak Sokağı’ndaki sufi imgeleri irdelenmiştir. Mahfuz’un dinsiz olmadığı vurgulanmıştır. Yaşadığı çevreden ve onu etkileyen olgulardan bahsedilmiştir. Dini ve sufiliği anlama şekli konusunda bilgiler sunulmuştur. Yazarın sürekli hayatı anlamlandırmaya çalıştığı, hakikate ulaşmak adına sürekli değişim gösterdiği, hayat yolculuğunda bir duraktan diğerine gittiği, eserlerine ve özellikle Midak Sokağı’na bu değişimlerini nasıl yansıttığı, cümlelerinin gerisinde bunları nasıl işlediği aktarılmaya çalışılmıştır. Sonuç kısmında ise Midak Sokağı bağlamında Mahfuz’un derin felsefi imgelerinden, hayata dair hayatı anlamlandırmak adına birtakım ilke ve prensipler va’z edilmeye çalışılmıştır: Evrendeki düzen; bir kelebeğin kanat çırpmasına, sonbahar mevsiminde rüzgârın etkisiyle kurumuş bir yaprağın savrulmasına benzer; her şey birbirini etkiler ve her şey birbirinden etkilenir; her ne zaman bir tercih yapsak orada bir kapı açılır ve bilmediğimiz bir yola süluk ederiz; dönüşü yoktur; zira tercih yaptık ve yapmak zorundaydık; her ne zaman bir tercih yapsak, karşımızda iki kapı açılır; birinden giriş yapmalıyız, geri dönemeyiz; sonra hangi kapıdan girsek, orada da kapı ya da kapılar vardır; hayat hep böylece akıp gider ta ki ölene kadar. Kamil insan bu imgeleri anlamış insandır; rüzgârların esmesi, fırtınaların kopması, belalar ve musibetler kâmil insana işlemez; şeytan, kâmil insan için bir yardımcıdır; meleğe dönmüştür. Şeytanın kurduğu bütün hileler, nasıl olmuşsa olmuş her halükarda kâmil insan için bir ödüle dönüşmüştür; dünyaya değer verenin kaybedecek çok şeyi vardır.

Naguib Mahfouz’s Sufizm and Sufi Symbols in Midak Street

There are some debates about mysticism and mysticism images in the works of Naguip Mahfouz. Subject; from being secular to being considered irreligious; there are also articles stating that the mystical images in his works started with Tarık’s novel. Mahfouz was not an atheist; on the contrary, he had a deep Sufi side and his novel Tarık, as it is said, is not his first Sufi novel; Mahfouz grew up among religious and mystical elements in his birthplace; 1911 does not allow anyone else for Cairo; neighborhood Hüseyni is a place where religious motifs abound: mausoleums, mosques, lodges and societies, dhikr of dervishes. Mahfouz was asking difficult questions under the influence of his philosophy education and enthusiasm for learning; even religion has had its share. Sufism is always present in all of Mahfouz’s works; Tarik did not start with his novel; because he loves mysticism; however, the author did not explicitly state this; he chose the most beautiful way in our opinion and sprinkled these images between his sentences; "Midak Street" is the best example of this. In conclusion, we can say that Mahfouz only questions life; he was trying to reach the truth; he was not consciously against any religion; but he was against extremism; he preferred to be moral, to do good, to stay in society and to grapple with the realities of life; According to him, doing good to people and being virtuous should be counted among the basic principles of Islam, and should be built on the foundations of morality and virtue; Because the forms of worship in Islam were like sports for him and according to him, Allah did not want this. Mahfouz always questioned himself in his works and tried to make sense of life; shared his results with people; there is always this truth in his work; when these are examined, the following truth emerges; he skillfully concealed his thoughts between the pages of the book; according to him, the values he believes in are one stop from the stops; the day came when he doubted; the day came and he became an atheist and socialist; once tried to express himself in the concerns of deism; One day he took refuge in Sufism, which is a safe harbor. Sufi principles derived from the novel: One should seek. That’s why both the devil and the angel exist; their most basic duty is to educate people; there is no such thing as trouble; everything is good and good; they are phenomena that are created for human beings to rise to a higher level. In this world man has been released; good or evil is in the hands of man; endlessly trying to be good and endlessly living evil; man is free; this is necessary for him to learn and rise to a higher authority; he should make a choice and try to understand everything by experiencing it. Order in the universe; it is like the flapping of a butterfly’s wings, or the blowing of a leaf with the effect of the wind in autumn; everything affects each other and everything is affected by each other; whenever we make a choice, a door opens there and we slug into a path we don’t know; there is no turning back; you cannot bathe twice in one river; and now we have to pay the price; because we made a choice and we had to; whenever we make a choice, two doors open before us; we have to log in from one, we can’t go back; then whichever door we enter, there is a door or doors; life always flows like this until it dies. Perfect human being is a person who understands these images. The blowing of the winds, the breaking of the storms, the troubles and calamities do not affect the perfect person; the devil is a helper for the perfect man; he has now turned into an angel. All the tricks of the devil, however, have turned into a reward for the perfect person. He who values the world has much to lose; he who pursues his desires seems to win first; but then it is slowly drawn into a vortex; man who does not restrain his desires has become a slave to his soul; nafs always wants more; it has no end; its end is frustration and regret; Hamide is a good example for us in this regard.


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