Hadislerde Rü’yetullah Meselesi

Bu makalenin temel amacı, rü’yetullah, yani Allah’ın görülmesi meselesine hadisler ışığında bir fikir kazandırmaktır. Rü’yetullah, Allah’ın görülmesi anlamında kullanılan rü’yet ve Allah sözcüklerinden oluşmuş bir kelimedir. Rü’yetullah, erken dönemlerden itibaren âyet ve hadislerle temellendirilerek dinî terminolojiye kazandırılmış kelâmî bir kavramdır. Bu çalışmada konunun ihtilaflı boyutu olan kelâmî tartışmalara girilmeden sadece ilgili rivayetler bağlamında dünyada, rüyada, mi‘racda ve âhirette rü’yetullahın mahiyeti ve keyfiyeti ile ilgili hadisler kategorik bir tasnife tabi tutulmuştur. Bu kavramın tanımlanma ve kavramsallaşma süreci H. 2. asırda başlamıştır. İlgili âyet ve hadis metinlerine bakıldığında ispatının da inkârının da zor bir konu olması nedeniyle lehte ve aleyhte birçok görüşün ortaya çıktığı, hatta bundan ötürü de müstakil çalışmalara konu olduğu müşahede edilmektedir. Bu makalede esasen itikadî bir konu olan rü’yetullah mevzusu hadis ilmi açısından ele alınacaktır. Çalışma hadislerle ilgili rivayetlerin tespit ve tahlili ile sınırlıdır. Bu bağlamda önce rü’yetullah teriminin sözlük ve terim anlamları tespit edilerek kavramlaşma süreci ortaya konulacak daha sonra da ilgili rivayetler sistematik bir şekilde tasnif edilerek senet ve metin açısından değerlendirmeye tabi tutulacaktır. Son olarak da söz konusu rivayetlerden elde edilen bilgi ve bulgular sonuç bölümünde raporlaştırılacaktır.

The Issue of Ru’yetullah in Hadiths

The main purpose of this article is to give an idea to the issue of seeing Allah/God in the light of hadiths. Ru'yetullah is a word formed from the words ru'yet and Allah, which are used to mean seeing Allah. Ru'yetullah is a theological concept that has been brought into religious terminology by being based on verses and hadiths since early times. In this study, without the theological discussions, which is the controversial dimension of the subject, only in the context of the related narrations, it has been subjected to a categorical classification in terms of the nature and condition of ru’yetullah in this world, in dreams, in the ascension and in the hereafter. The definition and conceptualization process of this concept started in the h. II century. When the relevant verse and hadith texts are examined, it is observed that it is a difficult subject to both prove and deny, and therefore, many opinions for and against have emerged, and therefore, it has been the subject of independent studies. The desire to see God has always been a matter of curiosity as a natural demand from history to the present. Accordingly, it has been one of the important issues that all people in general and believers in particular yearn for in life. As long as people's desire to see Allah is not based on obstinacy and denial, it is not an issue to be found strange. As a matter of fact, the Qur'an has included the demands of previous nations and even some prophets on this issue. Naturally, Mr. During the time of the Prophet, the Companions showed interest in the issue, expressed their curiosity about it, and Hz. shared with the Prophet. He also made some evaluations on this subject from time to time. As a result of this, an amount of narration texts that cannot be ignored on this subject have emerged.In this article, the subject of ru’yetullah, which is essentially a creed, will be discussed in terms of hadith science. Since the study is a hadith article, it will be limited to the determination and analysis of the narrations related to the subject. Theological discussions on this subject and the differences of opinion between the sects will not be entered. In this context, firstly, the lexical and term meanings of the term ru’yetullah will be determined and the conceptualization process will be revealed, and then the related narrations will be systematically classified and evaluated in terms of promissory notes and text. Finally, the information and findings obtained from the aforementioned narrations will be reported in the conclusion section. Based on both the relevant Qur'anic verses and the hadith texts in question, the issue of "ru'yetullah" has been an important topic of discussion in the history of Islamic thought and has been studied in detail with its different dimensions. Especially the issues of whether Allah can be seen or not, where, when and how he can be seen, have always occupied Islamic scholars since early times. Both the interpretation differences in the inferences made from the related verses and the apparent contradictions between the related narrations are seen as factors that inflame these discussions. The mystery and closure in the character of the subject can be seen as another factor that triggers this. Based on these motives, the issue of ru’yetullah, which has been conceptualized as a special term since early times, has been included as a separate title in the akaid and hadith books, and has even been the subject of independent studies.No scholar who accepts the issue of ru’yetullah will deny ru’yetullah in the hereafter. Although it is generally accepted that the event of ru’yetullah in Mi’rac is possible, different opinions have been put forward about its nature. Due to the concern that the issue of Allah's being seen or not seen in a dream may be a troublesome approach in terms of the divinity of Himself, very cautious comments have been made on this subject. The phenomenon of ru’yetullah has not taken place in the world. 


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