مسألة الخروج عن القياس في الأمثال العربية وعدم التغيير فيها

إنّ المثل من أهمّ ما في تراث اللغة العربيّة، لربط ماضي الشعب العربيّ إلى حاضره، فالمثل أيضاً مقياسٌ أدَقُّ لفهم العرب، وأخلاقهم، وعاداتهم، وتقاليدهم، وبنيتهم الاجتماعيّة. وتعارُف الإنسانِ بالأمثال يسير إلى القِدَم، ولذلك من الصعب تأريخ ظهور الأمثال تمامًا، ومع ذلك تقف أمامنا مسألتان عن الأمثال لم يهتمّ العلماء القدامى بهما كثيراً، إحداهما أنّ بعض الأمثال كانت تخالف القواعد اللغوية، إذ العرب كانوا يحرصون على التوفير له ضروباً من الحِلى اللفظيّة، حتى يكون أوقع في النفس وأخفّ على السمع، فلذلك كانوا يحتاجون أحياناً إلى الخروج عن القياس، بيد أنّ بعض العلماء لم يتّفقوا على هذا الرأي، وكانوا يدافعون أنّ اتّباع العرب فيما تكلّمت به على الجِبِلّة والسَليقة أفضل من الانقياد إلى القياس، استشهاداً بالأمثال التي خالفت القياس على المفردات الغريبة والتعبيرات، مع تأويلها وتقديرها إلى الجمل التي تناسب القياس. وأمّا ظاهرة عدم التغيير في المثل فقال العلماء إنّ التغيير في المثل ليس جائزاً أبداً، ولكن من الممكن أن نغيّر فيه أحياناً، إن سمح لنا فنّه الأدبيّ وعناصره البلاغيّة، فلذلك جاز بالنسبة لنا انقسام المثل إلى القسمين، إمّا أن يمكنه قبول التدخّل، وإمّا أن يكون التدخّل غير ممكن أبداً. وفي مقالتنا هذه حاولنا -مع أن نسرد موضوعات أخرى من نشأة الأمثال، وأسلوبها، وأهمّيتها في المجتمع العربي- البحث عن هذين الموضوعين الذَين لم نَرَهُما في الكتب قديمةً وحديثةً، التي هي المتعلّقة بالأمثال، سوى الكتاب لأبي هلال العسكري.

The Issue of Contrary to the Grammatical Structure of Arabic Proverbs and the Principle of their Immutability

The proverb that connects the past of the Arab people with the present is the one of the most important things in the heritage of the Arabic language. Each one is like a repository of Arab memories and stories about their ancient ancestors. It is a true mirror of the civilization, customs and traditions of the Arab people. It is also a more accurate measure of understanding the Arab people, morality, customs, traditions and social structure. The proverbs also have an educational function due to the wisdom based on human experience, and it guides people to the path of guidance. Two questions remain, however, concerning proverbs to which the ancient scholars hardly heeded. One of them is some proverbs are against the language rules because the Arabs were eager to say artistic words so sometimes they had to break rules so they spoke according to their own taste. However, some scholars didn't agree with this view it was impossible for them to say the Arabs wrong words for this reason, they held the view that following the Arabs was better than surrendering to the rules. As for the fact that the proverbs does not change, in our opinion it is sometimes possible to change it. If the elements of literary art and eloquence permit, It is permissible to divide the proverb into two. When we examine some proverbs we see that it is possible to make some changes on them. This situation is related to the power of the proverb in terms of metaphor. Because if the metaphor is weak, we can make some changes to the proverb some proverbs do not accept any intervention because they there is a very strong metaphor Because he doesn't allow any intervention may suffer from this change Therefore, the style of the proverb is distorted and transformed into something else. In this article, first of all, general information about proverbs is given about its importance and emerging style. It has been mentioned which sentence patterns the proverbs contain and the metaphors and rhetoric they contain. The conclusion we want to reach on these two issues that we focus on is as follows: Proverbs are not against the rules of language. The sentences that the Arabs say for their own pleasure take precedence over the language rules. In fact, the words of the Arabs were taken as a measure while the language rules were being formed. As a matter of fact, some scholars have proven that these words are not against the rules of language and reveal the true meaning of the words. Because these words are metaphorical words and contain deep meanings. Expressions that actually stand out as against the rules of language are not really against the rules of language. If you can get to the truth by going deep into the metaphor, the problem is solved. This shows us that we should do more detailed studies on the language rules and decipher the meaning of the Arabs. It is possible to change the structure of proverbs only under the following conditions: It is possible to make changes if it does not contain a strong metaphor and its rhetoric is not strong enough, and still contains some non-strong idioms.


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