Radyasyon Üreten Cihazların Kullanımı ile Tiroid Kanseri Arası İlişkinin Değerlendirilmesi

The Evaluation of the Relationship Between the Use of Radiation Producing Devices and Thyroid Cancer

Objective: We aimed to investigate the relationsip between the usage of radiation producing devices and thyroid cancer. Methods: In our study, we formed a questionnaire consisting of 10 questions to apply to 100 participants admitting the General Surgery Clinics of Ankara Training and Research Hospital. Participants were included to study as; the thyroid cancer group with 58 patients diagnosed with thyroid cancer and had thyroidectomy and the control group with 42 participants with no cancer history. We investigated factors like usage of mobile phones, computers, hair dryer, shaver and history of plain films of head and neck with the questionnaire,. Results: Study consisted of 66 female and 34 male, totally 100 participants. Mean age of participants was 47.45 (±12.90) years in the thyroid cancer group and 38.02 (±11.30) years in the control group. Previous history of plain film of head and neck region (teeth, head, and neck X-ray graphy) was higher in the study group (%55) than control group (%11) (p


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