Use of Educational and Methodical Tasks in Formation of Methodical Competence of Future Teachers of Physics

In this article the features of application of educational and methodical tasks at formation of methodical competence of future teachers of physics are considered. Researches of scientists on competences in various areas are analyzed. There are necessary conditions for the preparation of educational and methodical tasks. As an example, there are several tasks. Methodical activity of future teachers of physics is presented in the table. The features of open and closed tasks were considered, and examples were given.

Use of Educational and Methodical Tasks in Formation of Methodical Competence of Future Teachers of Physics

In this article the features of application of educational and methodical tasks at formation of methodical competence of future teachers of physics are considered. Researches of scientists on competences in various areas are analyzed. There are necessary conditions for the preparation of educational and methodical tasks. As an example, there are several tasks. Methodical activity of future teachers of physics is presented in the table. The features of open and closed tasks were considered, and examples were given.


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