Improvement of the Mechanism of Providing Public Services in the Field of Primary Health Care

The article examines the features of the provision of public services in the field of primary health care in general, as well as a detailed analysis of the existing mechanism for the provision of public services in health care in Kazakhstan. Based on the identified shortcomings, the ways of their solution are proposed. The recommendations developed within the framework of this study can contribute to the formation of effective institutional and legal basis for the functioning of an effective model of health care in Kazakhstan, capable of fully satisfying the needs of the population.

Improvement of the Mechanism of Providing Public Services in the Field of Primary Health Care

The article examines the features of the provision of public services in the field of primary health care in general, as well as a detailed analysis of the existing mechanism for the provision of public services in health care in Kazakhstan. Based on the identified shortcomings, the ways of their solution are proposed. The recommendations developed within the framework of this study can contribute to the formation of effective institutional and legal basis for the functioning of an effective model of health care in Kazakhstan, capable of fully satisfying the needs of the population.


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