The article is devoted to the actual problems of the education system. The educational potential of digital technologies, the accelerated development of distance technologies contribute to the change of teaching methods, forms of education implementation. It is obvious that digital competence is an integral part of the professional competence of teachers, since it is important that teachers master learning technologies based on modern digital technologies, which are the driving force for improving education. This study, funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Grant №AP09259047), reveals the prerequisites for the digital transformation of education, the importance of changing the structure of education and the organization of the educational process. General theoretical research methods were used: the study and analysis of literary data of a theoretical orientation; system-structural analysis; concretization of the role of approaches to the formation of digital competence of teachers and the development of a structural and content model for the formation of digital competence of teachers. Based on the analysis of the relevant literature, the author of the article identifies the advantages of the selected approaches to the formation of quantitative competence of teachers, their main characteristics. Approaches (systemic, activity-based, axiological, personality-oriented approaches) to the formation of digital competence. Used as the methodological basis of the study, not only do not contradict each other, but also complement each other, served as the basis for building the concept and structural and content model of the formation of digital competence of the teacher. A structural and content model of the formation of digital competence of teachers is proposed. The roles of the components of the structural and content model of the formation of digital competence of teachers are determined.


The article is devoted to the actual problems of the education system. The educational potential of digital technologies, the accelerated development of distance technologies contribute to the change of teaching methods, forms of education implementation. It is obvious that digital competence is an integral part of the professional competence of teachers, since it is important that teachers master learning technologies based on modern digital technologies, which are the driving force for improving education. This study, funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Grant №AP09259047), reveals the prerequisites for the digital transformation of education, the importance of changing the structure of education and the organization of the educational process. General theoretical research methods were used: the study and analysis of literary data of a theoretical orientation; system-structural analysis; concretization of the role of approaches to the formation of digital competence of teachers and the development of a structural and content model for the formation of digital competence of teachers. Based on the analysis of the relevant literature, the author of the article identifies the advantages of the selected approaches to the formation of quantitative competence of teachers, their main characteristics. Approaches (systemic, activity-based, axiological, personality-oriented approaches) to the formation of digital competence. Used as the methodological basis of the study, not only do not contradict each other, but also complement each other, served as the basis for building the concept and structural and content model of the formation of digital competence of the teacher. A structural and content model of the formation of digital competence of teachers is proposed. The roles of the components of the structural and content model of the formation of digital competence of teachers are determined.


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