Scientific-Theoretical Concept of Human Resource Management

The article examines the modern concept of human resource management - the system of theoretical-methodological views on understanding and defining the nature, content, goals, objectives, criteria, principles and practices of human resource management. Studied organizational-practical approaches to formation of the mechanism of human resource management and implementation in the specific conditions of functioning of enterprises. Methodology human resource management involves consideration of the essence of personnel as object of management, process of formation of behaviour of individuals corresponding to the purposes and objectives of the organization, methods and principles of personnel management. Summarizes and systematizes the theoretical and methodological knowledge in the field of human resource management in modern conditions are particularly important for the most efficient and rational use. It is proved that management of human resources ensures the continuous improvement of methods of work with personnel and use of achievements of domestic and foreign science, the best production experience.

Scientific-Theoretical Concept of Human Resource Management

The article examines the modern concept of human resource management - the system of theoretical-methodological views on understanding and defining the nature, content, goals, objectives, criteria, principles and practices of human resource management. Studied organizational-practical approaches to formation of the mechanism of human resource management and implementation in the specific conditions of functioning of enterprises. Methodology human resource management involves consideration of the essence of personnel as object of management, process of formation of behaviour of individuals corresponding to the purposes and objectives of the organization, methods and principles of personnel management. Summarizes and systematizes the theoretical and methodological knowledge in the field of human resource management in modern conditions are particularly important for the most efficient and rational use. It is proved that management of human resources ensures the continuous improvement of methods of work with personnel and use of achievements of domestic and foreign science, the best production experience.


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