An Estimation of Thermostableness and Delay of Amplitude of Fluctuations in Temperature is in Non-Load-Bearing Constructions of Dwellings Building

In the article the thermostableness of non-load-bearing constructions building is examined in the conditions of hot climate. A delay is investigated temperature oscillation on the internal surface of non-load-bearing construction by comparison to fluctuations in the outward temperature of air. The necessity of making such comparison, estimation of massiveness of non-load-bearing construction and thermal inertia of materials of protection is reasonable.

An Estimation of Thermostableness and Delay of Amplitude of Fluctuations in Temperature is in Non-Load-Bearing Constructions of Dwellings Building

In the article the thermostableness of non-load-bearing constructions building is examined in the conditions of hot climate. A delay is investigated temperature oscillation on the internal surface of non-load-bearing construction by comparison to fluctuations in the outward temperature of air. The necessity of making such comparison, estimation of massiveness of non-load-bearing construction and thermal inertia of materials of protection is reasonable.


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