M.Myrzakhmetov about doctrine of virture

The study Abai’s life and career underway since the beginning of the twentieth century. Currently Abay studies became a separate branch of the science. Sufficiently the ideological and thematic content, genre and artistic features of Abai were researched extensively. Nevertheless, the poet's outlook is a subject to a deeper study.One of the problems in the works of Abai, to which attention should be paid is about doctrine of virture The article deals with the moral phenomenon of doctrine of virtue, have been developed in the Turkic world. This phenomenon was first formulated and introduced into scientific circulation by professor M.Myrzahmetov, which is considered in the article.

M.Myrzakhmetov about doctrine of virture

The study Abai’s life and career underway since the beginning of the twentieth century. Currently Abay studies became a separate branch of the science. Sufficiently the ideological and thematic content, genre and artistic features of Abai were researched extensively. Nevertheless, the poet's outlook is a subject to a deeper study.One of the problems in the works of Abai, to which attention should be paid is about doctrine of virture The article deals with the moral phenomenon of doctrine of virtue, have been developed in the Turkic world. This phenomenon was first formulated and introduced into scientific circulation by professor M.Myrzahmetov, which is considered in the article.


  • 1. Mirzakhmetov M. Mukhtar Auezov jane Abaitanu problemalari. –Almati: Gilim. 1982. -296 bet.
  • 2. Auezov M. Shigarmalari. 20-tom. –Almati: Jazushi. 1985. -496 bet.
  • 3. Abai. Shigarmalar jinagi. 1-tom. –Almati: Jazushi. 1986. -304 bet.
  • 4. Abai. Shigarmalar jinagi. 2-tom. –Almati: Jazushi. -1986. -200 bet.