Types of Innovative Technologies Used in Practical Classes on the "Child Diseases" Subject

The modern technology of education has led to a powerful breakthrough in the democratization and humanization of our country, which has been the sovereignty and democratization of the whole world, including education. One technology can be carried out differently depending on the skill of different actors. That is why every teacher is more effective in providing quality education with new teaching technologies, new teaching methods and non-traditional lessons, rather than having a regular lesson. In everyday life, ordinary people should deal with many issues, choose the optimal course of their actions and make responsible decisions. Thinking, planning actions (a chain of issues to be solved) will help you to reflect and analyze the results. All of this gives a design technology to help you solve various problems, regardless of where it appears, to design a way to avoid mistakes and to optimize the problem.

Types of Innovative Technologies Used in Practical Classes on the "Child Diseases" Subject

The modern technology of education has led to a powerful breakthrough in the democratization and humanization of our country, which has been the sovereignty and democratization of the whole world, including education. One technology can be carried out differently depending on the skill of different actors. That is why every teacher is more effective in providing quality education with new teaching technologies, new teaching methods and non-traditional lessons, rather than having a regular lesson. In everyday life, ordinary people should deal with many issues, choose the optimal course of their actions and make responsible decisions. Thinking, planning actions (a chain of issues to be solved) will help you to reflect and analyze the results. All of this gives a design technology to help you solve various problems, regardless of where it appears, to design a way to avoid mistakes and to optimize the problem.


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