The article is devoted to the possibility of using logical and communicative supports in teaching a foreign language to students in grades 6–7. In addition, the article discusses the basic principles and requirements, presents a set of logic and communication schemes. The main types and classifications of supports are shown. The research work uses the works of foreign scientists concerning the development of students' speech skills, the use of logical and communicative supports during the lesson. Problems of defining supports as a general methodological phenomenon, features of its use, receptive forms of speech activity, insufficient processing of classifications, the list considers the supports used in teaching specific educational material. It is non-verbal and verbal information support that stimulates communicative activity and guides its formation through the methods of its formation. The article discusses two main forms of speech in the study of speech in foreign languages. This is a dialogue and a monologue. For the development of speech in a dialogical form, special phrasal exercises are provided, if various logical and communicative supports are given for composing a monologue. A set of logical and communicative schemes is interpreted as a phenomenon that enhances all levels of language and speech, providing students with the subject content of speech in a foreign language and the means of its expression.


The article is devoted to the possibility of using logical and communicative supports in teaching a foreign language to students in grades 6–7. In addition, the article discusses the basic principles and requirements, presents a set of logic and communication schemes. The main types and classifications of supports are shown. The research work uses the works of foreign scientists concerning the development of students' speech skills, the use of logical and communicative supports during the lesson. Problems of defining supports as a general methodological phenomenon, features of its use, receptive forms of speech activity, insufficient processing of classifications, the list considers the supports used in teaching specific educational material. It is non-verbal and verbal information support that stimulates communicative activity and guides its formation through the methods of its formation. The article discusses two main forms of speech in the study of speech in foreign languages. This is a dialogue and a monologue. For the development of speech in a dialogical form, special phrasal exercises are provided, if various logical and communicative supports are given for composing a monologue. A set of logical and communicative schemes is interpreted as a phenomenon that enhances all levels of language and speech, providing students with the subject content of speech in a foreign language and the means of its expression.


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