A Brief History of Research of Ancient Settlements and Myths, Ancient Names of the Middle Flow of Syrdarya

The steppes of the Syrdaria are the natural boundary between the nomadic peoples of Central Asia and the peoples involved in sedentary agriculture. Due to the large number of ancient settlements and settlements on the Syrdaria River and the dense population of the settlers in this area of Syrdaria is a natural boundary between nomadic and sedentary peoples of Central Asia. The article begins with the confluence of the Naryn and Karadaria rivers in the Fergana basin and ends with several tributaries: the Incardarya and Janadarya rivers, as well as the main tributary of the Syr-Darya, draining into the Aral Sea. Medieval cities and toponyms such as Sutkent and Bairkum were also studied and scientifically analysed. To this end, the authors investigated written information and archaeological sources, and made an attempt to systematically characterize the named settlements. The article attempts to attract the attention of the general public to the archaeological study, popularization of the named monuments in order to include the monuments in the list of tourist sites, the introduction of monuments into scientific circulation

A Brief History of Research of Ancient Settlements and Myths, Ancient Names of the Middle Flow of Syrdarya

The steppes of the Syrdaria are the natural boundary between the nomadic peoples of Central Asia and the peoples involved in sedentary agriculture. Due to the large number of ancient settlements and settlements on the Syrdaria River and the dense population of the settlers in this area of Syrdaria is a natural boundary between nomadic and sedentary peoples of Central Asia. The article begins with the confluence of the Naryn and Karadaria rivers in the Fergana basin and ends with several tributaries: the Incardarya and Janadarya rivers, as well as the main tributary of the Syr-Darya, draining into the Aral Sea. Medieval cities and toponyms such as Sutkent and Bairkum were also studied and scientifically analysed. To this end, the authors investigated written information and archaeological sources, and made an attempt to systematically characterize the named settlements. The article attempts to attract the attention of the general public to the archaeological study, popularization of the named monuments in order to include the monuments in the list of tourist sites, the introduction of monuments into scientific circulation


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