The topic of this scientific article is one of the most important issues in the field of education. In today's rapidly changing world, where yesterday's news is today's story, there has been an increase in the number of people who are eager to move forward and learn several languages in accordance with modern requirements. Because people today speak several languages. This article emphasizes the importance of learning German as a related language, based on the knowledge of this language after English, which is the main foreign language. At present, knowledge of the German language is one of the mandatory requirements for the professional world. There are a lot of people who speak English, and every student, every young specialist, satisfied with their knowledge and experience, clearly understands that, having mastered other languages, one can find a decent job on the global labor exchange. By teaching students German in higher education, they prepare them for the future. Instead of theory, they focus on discussing modern situations in practical classes. This will allow young professionals to use the knowledge gained in higher education with benefit in working conditions. However, very few hours are devoted to teaching German as a second foreign language in higher education. Therefore, teachers consider it necessary to use unique, effective, useful, understandable, simple methods of teaching the German language, relying on the knowledge of the main foreign language (English) of students on a comparative basis in German classes. This article will focus on such useful and effective methods used in teaching German as a second foreign language based on linguistics.


The topic of this scientific article is one of the most important issues in the field of education. In today's rapidly changing world, where yesterday's news is today's story, there has been an increase in the number of people who are eager to move forward and learn several languages in accordance with modern requirements. Because people today speak several languages. This article emphasizes the importance of learning German as a related language, based on the knowledge of this language after English, which is the main foreign language. At present, knowledge of the German language is one of the mandatory requirements for the professional world. There are a lot of people who speak English, and every student, every young specialist, satisfied with their knowledge and experience, clearly understands that, having mastered other languages, one can find a decent job on the global labor exchange. By teaching students German in higher education, they prepare them for the future. Instead of theory, they focus on discussing modern situations in practical classes. This will allow young professionals to use the knowledge gained in higher education with benefit in working conditions. However, very few hours are devoted to teaching German as a second foreign language in higher education. Therefore, teachers consider it necessary to use unique, effective, useful, understandable, simple methods of teaching the German language, relying on the knowledge of the main foreign language (English) of students on a comparative basis in German classes. This article will focus on such useful and effective methods used in teaching German as a second foreign language based on linguistics.


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