Digitalization of Land Resources as the Main Factor in the Implementation of Legal Regulation of Entrepreneurial Activity

This article analyzes the main problems of the implementation and legal regulation of «digital agriculture». The large-scale application of digital technologies in management, social and business processes determines the relevance of the inclusion of digital transformation factors in the assessment of the socio-economic possibilities of territorial planning. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the need to include digitalization factors in the assessment of the aggregate potential of territorial socio-economic systems, to develop and test a methodology for integrative assessment of the impact of digital transformation factors on the state and growth of the socio-economic possibilities of the territorial system. Methods of analysis and synthesis, comparison and grouping, generalization and expert assessments, index and correlation methods of economic and statistical analysis are used. The working hypothesis of the undertaken research suggests the possibility of developing and applying a methodological approach to the analysis of the state and dynamics of digitalization processes, reflecting the interdependence of the characteristics of the possibilities of rural territories and the parameters of the digital transformation of the rural sphere of life. The concepts of digitalization and digital potential are defined, an annotated list of the main methodological approaches to assessing the potential of the territorial system is given, an author's version of the methodology for analyzing and evaluating the potential of digitalization of rural territories is proposed and tested, a model of a unified digital platform for the purposes of state tactical planning of sustainable development of rural territories is substantiated, a set of directions of digital transformation of subjects of the sphere of life of the region is structured, a multilevel set of indicators has been formed for a comparable assessment of the state and dynamics of the development of digital transformation, useful for developing options for prioritization when justifying tactical decisions in the field of digitalization. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time an attempt has been made to develop a methodological approach to assessing the potential of the territorial system, taking into account the factors of digital transformation of processes in the field of production, exchange, distribution and consumption of public products. The role of modern land management in the implementation of the tasks of effective land management is shown. The possibilities of modern departmental information systems in solving the issues of geoinformation support of the agro-industrial compound are considered. New approaches and digital technologies of land management are proposed, providing a significant up to 30% increase in land use efficiency. The necessity of preparing new personnel for the industry in the conditions of digitalization was noted.

Digitalization of Land Resources as the Main Factor in the Implementation of Legal Regulation of Entrepreneurial Activity

This article analyzes the main problems of the implementation and legal regulation of «digital agriculture». The large-scale application of digital technologies in management, social and business processes determines the relevance of the inclusion of digital transformation factors in the assessment of the socio-economic possibilities of territorial planning. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the need to include digitalization factors in the assessment of the aggregate potential of territorial socio-economic systems, to develop and test a methodology for integrative assessment of the impact of digital transformation factors on the state and growth of the socio-economic possibilities of the territorial system. Methods of analysis and synthesis, comparison and grouping, generalization and expert assessments, index and correlation methods of economic and statistical analysis are used. The working hypothesis of the undertaken research suggests the possibility of developing and applying a methodological approach to the analysis of the state and dynamics of digitalization processes, reflecting the interdependence of the characteristics of the possibilities of rural territories and the parameters of the digital transformation of the rural sphere of life. The concepts of digitalization and digital potential are defined, an annotated list of the main methodological approaches to assessing the potential of the territorial system is given, an author's version of the methodology for analyzing and evaluating the potential of digitalization of rural territories is proposed and tested, a model of a unified digital platform for the purposes of state tactical planning of sustainable development of rural territories is substantiated, a set of directions of digital transformation of subjects of the sphere of life of the region is structured, a multilevel set of indicators has been formed for a comparable assessment of the state and dynamics of the development of digital transformation, useful for developing options for prioritization when justifying tactical decisions in the field of digitalization. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time an attempt has been made to develop a methodological approach to assessing the potential of the territorial system, taking into account the factors of digital transformation of processes in the field of production, exchange, distribution and consumption of public products. The role of modern land management in the implementation of the tasks of effective land management is shown. The possibilities of modern departmental information systems in solving the issues of geoinformation support of the agro-industrial compound are considered. New approaches and digital technologies of land management are proposed, providing a significant up to 30% increase in land use efficiency. The necessity of preparing new personnel for the industry in the conditions of digitalization was noted.


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