Ancient Turkic Layers in Written Monuments of Old Kazakh Vocabulary

The article considers that the problems of the Old Kazakh language become the subject of special research. That is why the samples of the ancient Kazakh literature are considered one-sided and become the common heritage of the Turkic peoples under the common name "Chagataysh". As a result, medieval literary, historical and linguistic features of the writing of the Kipchak language group, including the current Kazakh language, is close to building models of Kazakh oral literature in the absence of other written literature, despite a one-sided look at work born during the rule of the Golden Horde of Tatars, after as the era of works was given a part of the Uzbek people.

Ancient Turkic Layers in Written Monuments of Old Kazakh Vocabulary

The article considers that the problems of the Old Kazakh language become the subject of special research. That is why the samples of the ancient Kazakh literature are considered one-sided and become the common heritage of the Turkic peoples under the common name "Chagataysh". As a result, medieval literary, historical and linguistic features of the writing of the Kipchak language group, including the current Kazakh language, is close to building models of Kazakh oral literature in the absence of other written literature, despite a one-sided look at work born during the rule of the Golden Horde of Tatars, after as the era of works was given a part of the Uzbek people.


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