About language asessment through testing

Nowadays, active work is underway on the problem of forming the teaching of the Kazakh language as a second foreign language. It is necessary to have an objective control of a new type that determines the knowledge of the language of a certain level of formation of communicative competence, regardless of the object and form of the language learning. The theory and practice of control, testing, and evaluation of language education, including the Kazakh language, is beginning to form in our country. It is proved that a well-prepared test is able to assess language knowledge and will help in learning the language. In this regard, we will try to determine that testing, like other forms of assessment is a qualitative and objective method of assessment, theory and rules, features of this system. We offer to switch to innovative technologies by changing the preparation of test tasks.

About language asessment through testing

Nowadays, active work is underway on the problem of forming the teaching of the Kazakh language as a second foreign language. It is necessary to have an objective control of a new type that determines the knowledge of the language of a certain level of formation of communicative competence, regardless of the object and form of the language learning. The theory and practice of control, testing, and evaluation of language education, including the Kazakh language, is beginning to form in our country. It is proved that a well-prepared test is able to assess language knowledge and will help in learning the language. In this regard, we will try to determine that testing, like other forms of assessment is a qualitative and objective method of assessment, theory and rules, features of this system. We offer to switch to innovative technologies by changing the preparation of test tasks.


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