Ebû Hayyân el-Endelüsî'nin Tuhfetu'l-Erîb Adlı Eserinde Dilsel Etki

Allah revealed the Holy Qur’an in the Arabic language, and the Arabs became famous for their interest in their language and their high valuation for it, after the revelation of the Qur’an, scholars began to study the Arabic language more systematically and developed classifications for its arts. There is no doubt that the holy Qur’an enriched this language in all aspects, meanwhile, the Arabs are unable to reach the Quran’s eloquence. So, people found the need to explain and clarify some ambiguous meanings in the Holy Qur’an due to the conquests and the expansion of Islam as well as the mingling of the Arabic tongue with other languages. Thus, the so-called science of strangeness of the Qur’an arose. Abu Hayyan Al-Andalusi was among the linguists who were interested in this science and left a significant legacy, he was famous for his deep knowledge of the language along with the sciences of interpretation, Hadith, and literature. So, he wrote in this regard a book called “Tuhfat Al-Arib, of what is in the Qur’an is strange”, in which Abu Hayyan explained the strange words mentioned in the Holy Qur’an through the use of lexical meaning, showing the importance of the linguistic impact in his explanation. This research aims to reveal the linguistic approach used by Abu Hayyan and to explain its role and impact in explaining strange meanings in the Holy Qur’an

The linguistic effect in Tuhfat Al-Arib by Abu Hayyan Al-Andalusi

Allah revealed the Holy Qur’an in the Arabic language, and the Arabs became famous for their interest in their language and their high valuation for it, after the revelation of the Qur’an, scholars began to study the Arabic language more systematically and developed classifications for its arts. There is no doubt that the holy Qur’an enriched this language in all aspects, meanwhile, the Arabs are unable to reach the Quran’s eloquence. So, people found the need to explain and clarify some ambiguous meanings in the Holy Qur’an due to the conquests and the expansion of Islam as well as the mingling of the Arabic tongue with other languages. Thus, the so-called science of strangeness of the Qur’an arose. Abu Hayyan Al-Andalusi was among the linguists who were interested in this science and left a significant legacy, he was famous for his deep knowledge of the language along with the sciences of interpretation, Hadith, and literature. So, he wrote in this regard a book called “Tuhfat Al-Arib, of what is in the Qur’an is strange”, in which Abu Hayyan explained the strange words mentioned in the Holy Qur’an through the use of lexical meaning, showing the importance of the linguistic impact in his explanation. This research aims to reveal the linguistic approach used by Abu Hayyan and to explain its role and impact in explaining strange meanings in the Holy Qur’an.


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