Historically, the naming of the celestial bodies in Turkic languages is conducted in different ways. In varyosu periods and works, the names of stars, constellations, and planets were different because of dialectological differences as well as under the impact of other languages. These differences also seem in the works belonging to the same periods. Mismatching of the namings in some times in literary and scientific works, as well as changes in the naming between XI-XII and XIV-XVI centuries cast attention during research. The article analyzes the historical graphic and semantic development of the turkic names of stars, planets and constellations. As a result of the research, it became clear that as we move away from the all-Turkic context the archaicization of national words in Turkic languages and the tendency to replace them with foreign words in different micro-styles of scientific styles increased. This is especially evident in the astronomical works written in Turkish in the 15th and 16th centuries.


Historically, the naming of the celestial bodies in Turkic languages is conducted in different ways. In varyosu periods and works, the names of stars, constellations, and planets were different because of dialectological differences as well as under the impact of other languages. These differences also seem in the works belonging to the same periods. Mismatching of the namings in some times in literary and scientific works, as well as changes in the naming between XI-XII and XIV-XVI centuries cast attention during research. The article analyzes the historical graphic and semantic development of the turkic names of stars, planets and constellations. As a result of the research, it became clear that as we move away from the all-Turkic context the archaicization of national words in Turkic languages and the tendency to replace them with foreign words in different micro-styles of scientific styles increased. This is especially evident in the astronomical works written in Turkish in the 15th and 16th centuries.


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