Interaction and development of university and society through the prism of social responsibility

This article updates and interprets social responsibility of universities in the context of sustainable development, since both scientific and technical progress and socio-economic development are crucially dependent on population with higher education. The evolution of the concept social responsibility over the past seventy years has been highlighted. A critical analysis of the theoretical discourse on the issue of social responsibility has been carried out resulting in revealing contradictions of a methodological nature. The theoretical and methodological principles of socially responsible interaction and society in terms of sustainable development have been formulated. Models reflecting the interaction of universities and society in the dimensions of sustainable development have been proposed and interpreted. It has been proven that to ensure sustainable development, universities and other higher education institutions should implement positive or prospective social responsibility, the basic conditions for which are democracy, integrity, and morality.

Interaction and development of university and society through the prism of social responsibility

This article updates and interprets social responsibility of universities in the context of sustainable development, since both scientific and technical progress and socio-economic development are crucially dependent on population with higher education. The evolution of the concept social responsibility over the past seventy years has been highlighted. A critical analysis of the theoretical discourse on the issue of social responsibility has been carried out resulting in revealing contradictions of a methodological nature. The theoretical and methodological principles of socially responsible interaction and society in terms of sustainable development have been formulated. Models reflecting the interaction of universities and society in the dimensions of sustainable development have been proposed and interpreted. It has been proven that to ensure sustainable development, universities and other higher education institutions should implement positive or prospective social responsibility, the basic conditions for which are democracy, integrity, and morality.


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