Gender role stress and affecting factors in female university students
Sayfalar: 351-370
Sayfalar: 337-350
Cilt: 5 Sayı: 9 -2023Son Sayı
Impacts of COVID-19 on unemployment: Bangladesh perspectives
Sayfalar: 65-92
Md Ikhtiar Uddin BHUİYAN, Md Meshkat MOLLİK, Most. Arafat Jahan TULY
Viral pazarlama: Avantajları, zorlukları ve stratejileri üzerine kavramsal bir çerçeve
Sayfalar: 93-124
The importance of aviation safety in terms of human resources management in air cargo transportation
Sayfalar: 125-146
Sayfalar: 147-176
Post-truth dönemde sosyal medya ile yerinden edilen gerçeklik ve hakikat
Sayfalar: 177-186
Sayfalar: 213-242
Interaction and development of university and society through the prism of social responsibility
Sayfalar: 243-258
A thematic analysis of YouTube comments on 2020 Turkish–Greek border crisis: The case of Euronews
Sayfalar: 259-288
Russia’s strategic interest in post-Soviet countries
Sayfalar: 289-298
Slow tourism as a tool for sustainable tourism development post-pandemic
Sayfalar: 299-316
Sayfalar: 317-336