Analysis of Magnum Advertisements in the Context of Semiology from the Perspective of Globalization: “ Hedonism and its Icecream Form”

 Globalization shows its effect neorly all around the world. Advertising is one of these fields. While  advertising is responsible for explaining the characteristics of a product, global world advertising does different thing. The individual wants to show satisfaction with the product he needs. By using this stragety, brands give individuals not only brand but also emotions wanted. While advertisers present the product, they can do this accoding to the condition of the crociety. Unlike many brands that advertise on topicality, Magnum deals with the issues of more globalization. Magnum uses the realites of global world such as the vanily of consumption, the body of women as materiel Since it is seen that ads have different languages, semiotics analysis can reveal these differences. In this study, some concepts will be explained at the beginning, their interrelations will be examined and semiotics will be analyzed.
Anahtar Kelimeler:

globalization, semiotic, magnum

Analysis Of Magnum Advertisements In The Context Of Semiology From The Perspective Of Globalization: “ Hedonism And Its Icecream Form”


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