Türkmen Mutasavvıf Şâir Azadî'nin (ö. 1173/ 1760) Şiirlerinde "Nefs" Kavramı

The Concept of "Nefs" in the Poems of Turkmen Sufi Poet Azadi (d. 1173/ 1760)

Azadi (d. 1173/ 1760), one of the 18th century Turkmen sufi poets, is one of the most important representatives of Turkmen classical literature. Azadi, whose real name is Dövletmemmet, is from the Gerkez phratry of the Göklen tribe. He initiated his education from Niyaz Salih Molla at the school in their village, and then continued at the madrasah in Hive. Azadi, who knows Arabic and Persian very well, is a very good scholar, philosopher, educator and physician besides his poetry. When his poems are examined, it is seen that he has advanced knowledge of the Qur'an and hadith. As well as the poet, in his poetries, handling spiritual reality is significant for his spiritual side in terms of being come up with. He used his poems as a tool to explain the truths of mysticism. He explained mystical concepts such as gratitude, desire, repentance, dhikr, consent, opinion, hypocrisy, patience, beneficence, seclusion, and heart through the language of poetry. At the same time, he was the advisor of the Turkmen leaders and had a say in the parliament on issues such as the state, homeland and nation. Azadi, who experienced the most difficult times of Turkmenistan in terms of social and economic aspects, always fought for the Turkmen people and always been by their side. He constantly emphasized that Turkmens should act together and that a just ruler should be chosen by establishing a Turkmen state. The work of Azadî, who died on March 22, 1760, named "Vagz-ı Azad", which had the characteristics of both an advice and a policy book, is the best proof of his poetry and scholarship. In addition to this work of Azadî, there are other works called "Hekayat-ı Cabir Ensar" and "Behiştnama". Moreover, there are masnavi, murabbas, rubais and a few ghazals, in which the importance of prayer and the rules of the Islamic religion are explained. In these works, Azadi handled the Sufi thought in his own unique way. This article focuses on the concept of "Nefs" in Azadî's poems. In the first part of the article, which consists of an introduction and two parts, general information such as the period in which Azadi lived, his life, his literary personality, his works and his death are given. In the second part, it is explained how Azadî deals with the concept of "soul" in his poems.


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