The goal of giftedness has been analyzed through various approaches till today. While a group of theoreticians focus on the genetic factors within the subject field, others choose to adopt a wider perspective including potential, fortune, and environment. Contemporary studies advocate that intelligence cannot be expressed in a single way and argue that giftedness should be considered a multi-dimensional concept. This diversity in understanding of giftedness have brought along different theories. According to Renzulli’s model giftedness consists of high levels of creativity, strong commitment to a specific area of interest and above-average ability. According to Tannenbaum, in order for an individual to be called gifted, it is necessary for superior general intelligence (g), exceptional specific abilities, non-intellective traits, environmental supports and chance factor to exist all together. The aim of this study is to analyze the talents of Mehmed the Conqueror within the framework of current theories of giftedness. The methodological approach is based on qualitative analysis. The data about Mehmed’s talents has been collected through the technique of document analysis. The sources have been used for gathering evidence by means of hermeneutic and phenomenological analyses. The analyses show that Mehmed the Conqueror’s talents meet all the criteria of giftedness mentioned in Renzulli’s Three Ring Model, Taylor’s Approach of Giftedness and Tannenbaum’s Approach of Giftedness.


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