Since the only thing that does not change is the change itself, it is accepted that the concept of change will exist forever in every field. Managing such an important concept by a well-founded analysis provides many benefits to organizations. Conducting this management process in scientific manner renders these gains more valuable. This study was carried out to analyze scientific approaches to change management to emphasize the importance of the subject. First of all, the concept of change management has been handled conceptually in terms of process and dimensions. Databases that provide access to scientific literature was examined in detail to determine concept position in Turkey. In this study, 107 empirical studies researching change management between 1994-2019 were analyzed via a bibliometric analysis technique. This study analyzed the bibliometric profile of 17 doctoral theses, 56 graduate theses and 34 articles. The results of this study suggest that 52.2% of postgraduate studies were related to change management. Regarding the cited sources, the articles ranked first with the number of 283 citations, while graduate thesis studies took second place with 221 citations. It was also examined in the most cited scientific studies. As a result, organizations always need the concept of change management and therefore, the status of academic studies conducted on this subject is analyzed and the future academic studies are evaluated in terms of frequency and form.


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