One of the most important events of the 21st century is values. There are a number of values thateach society tries to develop in its own way. Values education is aimed at discovering anddeveloping positive values of individuals and advancing according to their own potentials. Valueeducation can be done in various ways. One of these, can be the modeling technique. Individualsusually model one or more people in their lives. They imitate or adopt the behavior of people theymodel. The people who are considered as models in this study are historical heroes. Historicalheroes are people who are known for their activities. If value education is to create value forpurpose, to raise individuals who make values that are created and accepted by all, it is importantthat historical heroes are used in values education as a model for people. The Social StudiesEducation is an important reference in terms of improving the value of the individual. Theimportance of social studies teacher candidates in value education can not be denied. The purposeof this study is to determine the opinions of prospective teachers on the use of historical heroes invalue education. The study group consists of 15 people who are studying in the last grade of socialstudies education. A purposeful sampling method was used when the study group was determined.Phenomenological method was used in the research. 5 questions were asked by the researcher tocollect the data and a semi-structured interview was conducted with the study group. Descriptiveanalysis was used in the analysis of the data. The stages of descriptive analysis; (2) Processing thedata according to the thematic framework, (3) Defining the findings (4) Interpreting the findings.As a result of the analyses, history teachers’ points of view on the usability of memoirs ineducational process are interpreted under the themes “Having Knowledge”, “Positive and NegativeAspects”, “Usability in Accordance with Lessons” and “Available Dimensions”. As a result of theresearch, various suggestions were given about the use of historical heroes in the education ofvalues.


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Uluslararası Avrasya Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi-Cover
  • ISSN: 2146-1961
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 4 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2010
  • Yayıncı: Prof. Dr. Kadir ULUSOY