One of the social policy implementations in Turkey affected by the globalization process and neo-liberal politics is Social and Economic Support (SED) services. It is provided by the GeneralDirectorate of Child Services of the Ministry of Family and Social Policy. SED services are providedfor children who do not need institutional care as long as they are supported. SED services aredirectly linked to the poverty-based child protection services. The main objective of this study isto address the SED services, one of the social policy implementations for the prevention of childpoverty, to present the current situation and deficiencies. In this study, data related to SEDservices will be discussed in terms of neo-liberal policies. In addition; the number of aid recipientswithin years and their share in GDP will be discussed. In conclusion, in addition to significantpositive contributions, SED services appear to have significant shortcomings. In particular, thenon-systematic and non-comprehensive implementations of follow-up and monitoring processes,lack of social and psychological support services are outstanding problems. These aspects are ofgreat importance in terms of providing relief from the welfare dependency of the service.Moreover, with the influence of neo-liberalism, social welfare responsibilities of the state aretransferred to other institutions (traditional charitable organizations, NGOs, voluntaryorganizations, etc.) to a certain extent. In addition, it is believed that the current practicecentralizes the family while not considering the women’s burden of care.


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