National ideas in social and political articles of “Fuyuzat” members. (based on the works by Ali bey Huseynzade, Muhammed Hadi) The article is devoted to the study the struggle of the “Fuyuzat” magazine and its employees for national ideals. The article examines their journalistic works. It is noted that at the beginning of the twentieth century "Fuyuzat" played a great role in the development and promotion of national ideas in the literary, cultural and social reality of Azerbaijan. “Fuyuzat” members were headed by the well-known ideologist Ali bey Huseynzade. They fought selflessly for the national awakening, progress and modernization of the people. They helped people to recognize their national identity, explained the reasons of the ignorance and backwardness, and put forward their views on the way how to achieve national progress. They helped people to recognize their national identity, explained the reasons for the current ignorance and backwardness, and put forward their views on the way to achieve national progress. The slogan "Turkization, modernization, Islamization", which are currently the main attributes of our statehood, also belongs to "Fuyuzat". They explained to the public the essence, philosophy, social and legal aspects of this slogan. National ideals were considered the main instrument for the salvation and progress of the people. The article examines the literary and social activities of "Fuyuzat" magazine, works and activity of Ali Bey Huseynzade, the founder of the magazine and the poet, writer, translator Mohammed Hadi, mainly their journalistic works that were important in the formation of national ideology.


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