Meslekler, toplumların yaşam biçimlerini yansıtır. Türk dilinin ilk yazılı


Professions reflect the lifestyles of the societies. Having been looked at theprofessions and the importance that given to this professions, can be gainedan idea about the cultural structure of the society. The structuring of thecraft guilds also illuminates the state organisation. According to its languagecharacterictics Risale-i Kaçacılık, which was written at the end of theXVIIIth century and the beginning of the XIXth century, after classical eraof Eastern Turkish, where at Uighur Autonomous region in the People’sRepublic of China, particularly supposed to be written in Kashgar or Hoten,is a pamhlet of profession. The pamphlet, its author is unknown, carries thefeatures of fütüvvetname. It’s mentioned at this pamphlet that the necessityof doing the works with a religious ritual and ethical rules, rather than whatis profession of pottery or how it done. With this point of wiev, it makes usthinking that Ahi organization and fütüvvetname tradition which had beenplaying a major role among the craftsmen and tradesman since XIIIthcentury, also plays a role at east Turkish field. In this idea, effects of thetradition of kesbname which rose in India at the time of Mogol rule and thanspreaded in Maveraünnehir and the tradition of akılık which was importantamong the old Turkish tribes and comminities, is great.


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