Selanik’inde meydana gelen bir dizi olayı tartışılmaktadır. Makalede 1903 yılının


This paper discusses a series of events that took place in Ottoman Salonica at thebeginning of the twentieth century within the context of the Macedonian issue.The article points out that the year 1903 was one of the most sensitive years ofthe late Ottoman Empire. After the establishment of the Bulgarian Exarchate, theInternal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization was established in Salonicafor the purpose of establishing of an autonomous Macedonian state. At thebeginning of the twentieth century, the battle between the Bulgarian and Greekpartisans spread throughout the region. Some anarchists that had branched offfrom the Macedonian revolutionary movement have blown up various places inSalonica. The main objective of study is to focus on political violence affectingthe city in 1903. It argues that the political violence in Ottoman Salonica hada great impact on the transformation of urban structure as well as altering therelationship between the city and the Ottoman state.


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