Türk Dünyası’nın önemli sîmȃlarından biri olan Enver Paşa, Osmanlı


Enver Pasha, one of the most important figures o f t he TurkishWorld, had to leave the country when the Ottoman Empire becameone of the defeated states in the World War I. In 1921, he joined theBasmachi Movement, which was held in 1917-1924 in order to restoreindependency of Turkestan, and brought new hopes to the struggle.The Bolsheviks were very uncomfortable with Enver Pasha’s activitiescarried out with the intention of raising the national awareness amongall Turks in Turkestan and gather them under a single flag.Enver Pasha, who spent the last years of his life with the struggle inthe Caucasus and in Turkestan, became the leader of the BasmachiMovement and fought the Russians. However, this struggle forindependence in Turkestan did not become successful. Enver Pasha,who was defeated militarily, was killed by the Bolsheviks in 1922, andall Turkestan was grieved by his death. The moment of Pasha’s deathentailed various speculations. This article explains Mustafa Çokay’simpressions of Enver Pasha (1881-1922) based on the articles pennedunder various titles in the mag Yaş Türkistan by Mustafa Çokayoğlu(1890-1941), a political actor and an intellectual who was the leaderof the Turks, the Turkish Unity, and the independent Turkestan ideal(s)and worked to announce this to the whole world. Çokay evaluated theimportance of Enver Pasha for the Turkestani, his relationship with theBolsheviks, the Enver Pasha perception in the Turkestani and Europeanpress, the speculations about his death, and the reasons for his failurein Turkestan, based on what the Turkestani who were with Enver Pashatold and what he personally witnessed.


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