Rusya’da imparatorluk düzeninin ve Romanov Hanedanı’nın sonunu getiren


After the February 27 Revolution, which brought the end of theimperial system and the Romanov Dynasty in Russia, there appearedtwo significant power centers. These institutions are the ProvisionalCommittee, a political structure which was later named the ProvisionalGovernment, and the Petrograd Soviet of Workers’ and Soldiers’Deputies. The fact that the Petrograd Soviet left the governing powerto the Provisional Government immediately did not prevent its pressureon the Provisional Government. The influence of the Petrograd Sovieton the Petrograd Garrison, the army, and the public; the Bolsheviksconsistently questioning the existence of the Provisional Government aswell as the decision to continue the war; and the necessary reforms thatcould not be made wore down the Provisional Government significantly.Two governmental crises and one coup attempt were eluded thanks to thePetrograd Soviet. The whole process resulted in the Bolsheviks takingover the government on October 25, 1917. The historians at the timefocused more on the activities of the Bolsheviks. However, it wouldbe complementary to try to understand the events with respect to theProvisional Committee and the Provisional Government in the interim.Therefore, answers to the questions why the revolution was called thebourgeoise revolution, in which conditions the Provisional Governmentcame to power, how long it maintained its authority, what the attitudesof the Petrograd Soviet and the Bolsheviks were, and what mistakes theProvisional Government made were sought in this article.


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