Analysis of Syntactic Errors in Translation From Russian to Kazakh Language

In recent years, the Kazakh language, along with Russian and other languages, has become more widely used in the execution of documents and inscriptions on product labels of industrial goods produced both in Kazakhstan and abroad, as well as in modern advertising texts. As documents, advertisements, and package labels are initially published in Russian and then translated into Kazakh language, it appears relevant to us to analyze the syntactic difficulties and errors that occur during the translation process of this language material: this will contribute to both more accurate and clear transmission of information or thoughts and strengthening the authority of the state language of Kazakhstan.After becoming acquainted with the various approaches to the classification of errors in the translation process, we focused our research on the syntactic errors that occur during the translation from Russian into the Kazakh language. First, we refer to the syntactic problems of translation as lexical compatibility and the syntactic type of the language, which is a very important scientific aspect in our opinion.It is undeniable that it is important to avoid any errors in the information transmission during translation activities, but it is of particular scientific interest to use to identify and describe syntactic errors because the syntax is the basic structural part of the language, and even the most insignificant at first glance, error in the syntactic plan during translation can adversely affect the entire structure and accuracy of information transmission.We attempted to analyze specific examples, summarize the main syntactic problems of translation, and outline solutions in our article. This research draws on examples of syntactic errors from industrial product documents, advertisements, and product labels.


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