Bu araştırmanın amacı üniversite düzeyinde eğitim-öğretim gören öğrencilerin tasavvuf tarihinin ve düşünce dünyamızın önemli şahsiyetlerinden biri olan Hoca Ahmet Yesevi ile ilgili algı ve bilgi düzeylerini belirlemektir. Bu amaçla çalışmaya Hoca Ahmet Yesevi Uluslararası Türk-Kazak Üniversitesindeki Türkçe konuşan Devletler ve Topluluklardan gelen öğrencilerden veri toplanmıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak araştırmacı tarafından hazırlanan on soruluk bir anket kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre: Türk Dünyasının manevi lideri olduğunu ifade edenlerin oranı %30, Kazakların manevi lideri olduğunu ifade edenlerin oranı %53.0, Özbeklerin manevi lideri olduğunu ifade edenlerin oranı %11 ve fikrim yok diyenlerin oranı %6 sı seviyesinde olduğu tespiti yapılmıştır. Yesevi'lik dersini aldıkları halde Divan-ı Hikmet'i okuyanların oranı %2.3, okumayanların oranı %97,7 olarak bulunmuştur. Yesevi türbesini katılımcıların %100 ziyaret ettiği tespit edilmiştir. Türbeyi ziyaret etmelerinin nedenleri ise %93 inanç ağırlıklı ziyaret olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Gündelik hayatta Yesevi öğretisine dikkat edenlerin oranı % 2.3 olarak bulunmuştur. Yesevi felsefesinin Türk dünyasını birleştirici etkisini düşünenlerin oranı ise % 37.3 olduğu tespiti yapılmıştır. Makalenin sonunda Yesevi'liğin Türk Dünyasında öğretilmesine, anlaşılmasına ve yorumlanmasına yönelik birtakım öneriler yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın Yesevi ile ilgili çalışmalara katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir


The aim of this research is to determine the perception and conceptual levels of University students about Hoca Ahmet Yesevi. The data of the study was collected from students attending to International Turkish-Kazakh Hoca Ahmet Yesevi University who come from Turkish speaking states and communities. A ten-item questionnaire developed by the researchers was used as the main data collection tool. The results of the study indicate that 30% of the participants regard Hoca Ahmet Yesevi as the spiritual leader of all Turkic world while 53% and 11 % of the participants regard him as only the Kazakh or Ozbek people’s spiritual leaders respectively. Approximately 6% of the participants have not made any comments on the issue. Although all participants have attended a lecture about Yesevism, it was found that 2.3% of participants have read Ahmet Yesevi’s Divan-ı Hikmet (Divan of Wisdom), while %97,7 of them have not. All the participants were found to have visited the Yesevi tomb. It was determined that the reason for 93% of the tomb visits was faith oriented. The proportion of the people paying attention to Yesevi teachings in his/her daily life was found to be 2.3%. The percentage of the participants believing in the effect of Yesevi philosophy for unifying Turkic world was found to be 37.3. Some suggestions have been made about teaching, understanding and interpretation of Yesevism in Turkic world. This study is expected to contribute to other works related to Yesevism.Yesevi is one of the well-known, architect of wisdom, sight and heart figures of the Turkish-Islam World. With the doctrine of his era and leading a way beyond the geography, he is a philosopher that might effect the future. Yesevism is not only bounded with Turkish-Islam World; it also invites all humanity to the hikmet (reason) without belief discrimination. Therefore, UNESCO declared Yesevi as the common heritage of the human history with recognition of Yesevi Year in his 850th death anniversary. In this respect, the initiation of Yesevi University board of trustees’ initiation of commemoration, introduction and narration programme organisations in national and international level is a vital step. This process is a historical opportunity, and the Yesevism that has been kept in the deepness of history and hasn’t been narrated so far can be introduced to the Turkish World and all over the World. Within this context; the recognition of Yesevism among the students and in the research that is aimed to investigate their knowgledge level can help the symbolic and alive Yesevism come into view. We are thinking that; Turkish World will have an effect on the rise of civilisation again and how it will be narrated, introduced and interpreted to the World and it will contribute to academic studies.In order to determine the students’ perception of Hoca Ahmet Yesevi, the ongoing study has been carried out by the descriptive search process. Data Collection Tool 7 out of 9 subject survey is multiple choiced and the other 2 subject open-ended questions were prepared for the purpose of collecting data. The preparations of subjects started with literature survey and the subjects have been edited according to the views of the experts of measurement and assesment in terms of language and content. Survey instruction and attendants have been informed about the signifance of the topic and detailed information has been given about the respond process. Data Collection Process In the research that is performed in descriptive study format, the related literature has been scanned, the information that come out as a result of natural observation and survey that was carried out in Yesevi Tomb was classified and then it was analysed and assessed. The content of the research consists of the students studying at Hoca Ahmet Yesevi University. 217 volunteer students that study at the third and fourth grades of Yesevi University make up the sample. 3.Findings When the responds of attendants about who Yesevi are investigated, it is determined that; %53 the national and spiritual leader of Kazakhs, %30 the spiritual leader of Turkish World, %11 the national and spritüal leader of Ozbeks, % 6 I have no opinion about the leadership of Yesevi. When the attendants are investigated about which language ‘‘Divanı Hikmet’’ is written by Yesevi it is determined that; %53.0 Kazakh Language, %7 Arabic, %32 Old Turkish (Jagatai Language) and %8 I have no opinion. The statement that Divanı Hikmet is written in Arabic is due to its resemblance in usage of the words. It can be said that; the statement that it is written in Kazakh Language is due to its translation into Kazakh Language and being instucted of Yesevisim as a course. When the attendants are asked and the responds are investigated about the name of the Yesevi’s masterpiece, it is determined that %58,1 yes, %35,9 no and %6 no opinion. The fact that the poor levels of attendants concerning history, culture and intellectuals and since they don’t consider undertaking a mission in building the future, they do not need to read. When the responds about the Yesevism to be instructed as a course, they reponded as; %75,4 it is needed to be instructed at schools, %15,6 it isn’t needed, %9 no opinion. Although the demand on Yesevisim to be instructed and taught at schools is high, it is seen that the low rate of hikmets to be instructed at schools is notable. When it is investigated whether Yesevi contribute the unity of Turkish World, it is determined that; %62,2 yes, %24 no, %14 no opinion. There are historical, religious, and political figures and symbols that contributes the nations to be in strong union. The most significant figure that ensures the unity of Turkish World is Yesevi. Generally this paradigm is comprehended in the knowledge level yet it can be said that there is not a psychology to perform this. 4.Discussion and Conclusion In this study, it is determined that the students of Yesevi University consisting of Turkish speaking countries and communities do not know the Yesevisim well enough. Although Yesevi has a correspondance in symbolic, it appears that it doesnt reflect on rituals accurately. It is notable that; the the rate among students reading Hikmet in their daily life is %2,3 and %2,1 rate that taking Yesevi doctrine into consideration. It can be thought that; the ones reading Hikmet and the ones taking Yesevism in their daily life might be the students from Hodja’s fascicle or Sayyid ancestor. The rate of the people thinking Yesevi has an effect on the unity of Turkish World is %37. This result that occured among the students is meaningful. It may be technically wrong to link the poor knowlege level of the students about Yesevi with the programmes or academicians. Although students are taught Yesevi History during their education, the fact that such a result is obtained, that makes it necessary for programmes and academicians to be re-assessed and revised. In this revision, it must be taken into account that; those must be chosen among the interested academicians that know Yesevisim and the students that will be able to interpret, read and think. In fact, it must be noted that; the underlying reason is historical developments. We think the reasons of the matter are as followed; not being published of the Divanı Hikmet by simplifying that is spoken among the Turkish communities, the education-cultural policies of the Soviet union and other countries, letter and language revolution that are performed in countries causing historical cultural gaps, the socio-cultural resolution in Turkish World during the modernisation. The improvement that will remove the historical cultural gap and disorder has been the appearance of Turkish Republics on the history scene by the collapse of Soviet Union. The first study on the relations among the Republics and re-constucting of the history was established by the co-operating of Turk-Kazakh at Yesevi University in 19993. In this study it is revealed, it is not sufficient. In this context the actions that must be done in Turkish World are as followed; 1. The actions of the countries may not be enough to teach and introduce the Yesevisim. Therefore the civil associations must be encouraged in every platform to take in charge. 2. In order to construct the Hikmets’ common culture and civilisation, publications on spoken language can be performed by simplifying. 3.Academic books on Yesevism, stories and novels can be prepared that will produce common culture. By making proper films, movies, series and theaters, they can be displayed. 4. National and international seminar, workshop, congress, conference and symposiums can be arranged. 5. At Yesevi University board of trustees, by establishing Yesevi Research Institution, it must be opened to the academic researches. Researchers and students can be obtained a proper identity according to the UNESCO’s decision without restricting to Turkish World.


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