Bu araştırmanın konusu, Türkiye'nin popüler kültüründe yaşanan muhafazakârlaşmanın eğlence kültürüne tesirleri incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın temel amacı ise Türkiye'de siyasal alanda yaşanan muhafazakârlaşma sürecinin, eğlence kültürüne ne gibi tesirleri olduğunu göstermektir. Bundan dolayı ele alınan bu çalışma, iletişim teorileri arasında Marshall McLuhan'ın 'Global Köy' kavramıyla ile ilişkilendirilerek, Türkiye'deki eğlence kültürü, muhafazakâr değerler ve yaşanan değişimin esasları üzerinde durulmuştur. Araştırmanın kapsam sınırlılığı ise 2003 yılından günümüze kadar gelmektedir. Tanımlayıcı seviyede analiz yapılabilmesi için de McLuhan'ın kavramsal retoriğinden istifade edilmiş ve bundan hareketle Türkiye'de eğlence kültüründe yaşanan değişimin esaslarına bakılmıştır. Araştırmanın ana problematiği ise Türkiye'de eğlence kültüründe yaşanan değişimin dinamik, kontrolsüz ve sürekli güncellenen bir yapıya sahip olup olmadığına bakmaktır. Araştırmanın temel varsayımıysa Türk eğlence kültüründe yaşanan radikal ve kısa süreli değişimin, aslında siyasal kültürle ilintili olduğuna ve eğlence zihniyetini yeniden inşa ettiğine dayanmaktadır. Araştırma sonucunda Türkiye'nin, eğlence kültüründe yaşadığı köklü değişimi henüz kontrol edebilecek durumda olmadığı ve 'Yeni Türkiye'de, siyasal alanda yaşanan muhafazakârlaşmanın eğlence kültürüne de yansıdığı, ancak bu yansımanın karmaşık, değişik ve belirsiz olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Özellikle Türkiye'deki seküler ideolojiyle yarışan İslâmcı muhafazakâr ideoloji, daha geniş kitlelere ulaşabilmek ve farklı grupları etkileyebilmek için eğlence sektörünü etkin bir şekilde kullandığı ve Türk halkını kitlesel eğlence aracı olan televizyonla etkilemeye çalıştığı görülmüştür. Hâl böyle olunca Türk siyasal hayatında yaşanan değişimin, eğlence kültürünü yeniden yapılandıracağı düşünülmektedir


The conservativeness in the popular culture and the impacts of the politicization in Turkey’s entertainment culture have been analyzed in this research. The main purpose of research is to indicate the impacts of the conservativeness occurring in political realm to the entertainment culture. This paper is related to Marshall McLuhan’s “Global Village” doctrine among the transmission theories, and analyzes the entertainment culture, conservative assets and the changes in Turkey. The content limitation is since 2003 till now. For a depictor analyze McLuhan’s user-centered public interaction method has been preferred and in this way it was attempted to indicate the changes in Turkey’s entertainment culture. The main problematic of research is to find out the changes in Turkey’s entertainment culture which has the changeable, dynamical, unrestrained and perpetually updated features. The other assumption in this paper; radical and short-timed changes in entertainment culture in Turkey, are actually related to the political culture and they reconstruct the entertainment mentality. As a result, it can be assumed that Turkey is not up to the reactions against various social problems and the changes that happen in entertainment culture. Consequently, it was detected that the conservativeness in political realm reverberates to the entertainment culture in ‘New Turkey’ and this reflection is complicated, changeable and uncertain. So, the changes in Turkey’s political life can be defined with redefine of entertainment culture Since the ancient history of political sovereignty, all the powers correlated politic realm with entertainment culture and they capitalized with the usage of this binding. The relation between politic realm and entertainment culture sometimes detracted the masses from the politics and sometimes the opposite of it. Indeed, every community develops its own entertainment culture or perception that bases on the community’s values. Current culture and perception have faced some changes time by time. The most essential events that occurred in ancient period were festivals and celebrating. Stunningly, during middle ages it was witnessed to mass tortures and executions as mass entertainment. Specially during Roman Empire bread and circus formulas had been used to hold off the individuals from politics and prevent them from changing to anarchy. Various bloody fights were performed in the arenas. Nowadays press and media that assumed the main factor of mass entertainment culture, are being utilized for the prosecution of current culture and sovereign politics in most countries of the world.Nowadays, mass communication is being fulfilled for the adoption of sovereign ideology of political realm. Islamic conservative ideology that is competing with secular ideology in Turkey, have used entertainment sector for reaching to more mass and for influencing different groups. That is why mass tool like TV and soap operas have been evaluated like the most important ideological reflection and propagation of political power. Increase of the political messages directed to popular culture caused to the rise of the conservativeness in entertainment culture and caused it to change in Turkey. Consequently, relation between entertainment sector and politics, politicized to public and caused to the transfer of political messages. The cultural paradigm of modern community in Turkey makes a whole with economical system, cultural production, conscious industry and information complex, socio-economical structure produces the culture it needs and make it to be accepted by individuals and mass. So, the topic of the research is conservativeness in the popular culture and the impacts of the politicization in Turkey’s entertainment culture. The main purpose of the research is to indicate the effects of the conservativeness occurring in political realm to the entertainment culture. The paper is related to Marshall Mc Luhan’s “Global Village” concept among the transmission theories and analyzes the entertainment culture, conservative assets and the changes in Turkey. The content limitation is since 2003 till now. For a depicter analyze McLuhan’s usercentered public interaction method has been preferred and in this way it was attempted to indicate the changes in Turkey’s entertainment culture. The main problematic of research is to find out the changes in Turkey’s entertainment culture which has the changeable, dynamical, unrestrained and perpetually updated features. The assumption in this paper; radical and short-timed changes in entertainment culture in Turkey. It was tried to make press and literature search and follow the social media for revealing the changes occurring in politics-entertainment relation in Turkey since 2003. The entertainment culture and sector that is developing recent years made some work that drew attention of mass people. It is not just advertisers, sociologists, cultural anthropologists that do it, the politicians also draw attention in this case. This situation is like a spiral turn. The conservative ideology that shines out in political realm since 2000 years in Turkey enured to entertainment culture, provided sectoral progress in this realm and attempted to determine new world of ideas in entertainment culture. From the point of view that with the political power entertainment culture changed in Turkey, the thesis in this research is that every single power determines its discourse and ideology. The political powers in Turkey tried to regulate popular culture and entertainment culture and in this way they attempted to reflect their thoughts and ideology to people. The hypothesis of this research is that “entertainment culture is not concrete” and it is being tried to find out how it effects the entertainment culture-one of the conservative ideology’s tools. So the main hypothesis of the research is that the entertainment culture gets conservative with the power that develops with the conservative ideology since 2000s.İn other words, radical and short-timed changes in entertainment culture in Turkey, are actually related to the political culture and they reconstruct the entertainment mentality. The main purpose of the research is to indicate the impacts of conservativeness to the entertainment culture. That is why the features of popular and entertainment culture have been analyzed in the paper. Then it was concentrated on the relation between conservative ideology and entertainment, and the structure of the relation between conservative ideology and entertainment in Turkey was researched. So, the idea of entertainment culture that was shaped by conservative ideology was defined. McLuhan that talks about the globalization in popular culture, mentions that due to new information technologies, tactual sense and hearing sense of the people come into prominence with political, social and cultural communication. Also he developed the inhesion of individual and community in the popular culture. But this conscious caused to the progress of the conservative ideology for the people that try to defend old values. This case impacted on communities’ entertainment culture. The influence made on ‘community’ and ‘individual’ and the progress of the conservative identity in Turkey is quiet normal. This case caused to a change in Turkey’s entertainment culture and caused to evolve of a new phase. Undoubtedly, conservatives have a huge impact in the determination of entertainment culture and political collective identity in Turkey. The factors given in this research are not standing datas so, from the point of “constructed realities” the role of conservative in the period of construction of political identity and entertainment culture has been analyzed. So it was attempted to draw attention to the dynamics that cause to the conservativeness of entertainment culture. Indeed, its a arguable topic what actually represent television, soap operas, music, advertisers that are the realm of political ideologies in direct or indirect way. But it is not correct to state that it is a single-sided manipulation tool that affects the people that addicted to entertainment industry and conscious industry in Turkey. The unconscious mass in Turkey turn towards to the sovereignty realm of entertainment industry. There is no doubt that one of the tools that provides this turn is political power. Political powers profit from politics-entertainment relation and political and ideological topics are intertwined with entertainment culture in Turkey. For instance; the meeting of famous people of art and entertainment world with Prime Minister, the organization of the group of wisdom people, giving them various missions, the transfer of political topics through the soap operas. So, the will and ideological values of the government is being transferred to the individuals and community through these tools without being noticed. Another vision in Turkey is that popular culture is not a rational thing from the point of real living. Cause the entertaining sort of culture encircles the external reality of the people. And the popular and entertainment culture step in. Popular culture repeats the fantasies, eases the prosecution of real life and indicates the thought that there is another type of living. The conservativeness that is very effective in political, cultural and social field, makes feel itself in every realm recent years in Turkey. Since the 2000s years the conservativeness occurred in Turkey and the conservativeness of AKP is a identity that institutes the body of politics and its a new outpouring for Turkey. When the last 10 years of Turkey is being analyzed it will be obvious that conservativeness, piety, New Ottomanism, relay of capital, being a role model country in Middle East are the main factors of Turkish politics. Traditions and depending on history which is associated with New Ottomanism are the factors that got into prominence during this period. That is why Ottoman life is being transferred to the daily life by soap operas and films in Turkish public. This situation that governs cultural change in Turkish people, suggests people through the media what to think and what to do, but not what is the individual supposed to do. Till yesterday it was Turkish people who produced and defined the popular, but today it is the entertainment culture and culture industry that realize this thing. As an aftermath, it can be assumed that Turkey is not up to the reactions against various social problems and the changes that happen in the entertainment culture. Consequently, it was detected that the conservativeness in political realm reverberates to the entertainment culture in ‘New Turkey’ and this reflection is complicated, changeable and uncertain. So, the changes in Turkey’s political life can be defined with the redefine of entertainment culture


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