Kentsel gelişme ve ulaşım birbiriyle etkileşim içinde bulunan ve birbirlerini izleyen, ancak olgu ve etki-tepki-kontrol mekanizmaları açısından birbirinden tamamen farklı, insan faaliyetleridir. 18. yüzyılın başlarına kadar dünya kentlerinin hemen hepsinde ulaşım daha çok yerleşim alanlarını birbirine bağlamaktaydı. Ancak sanayi devrimi sonrasında tüm dünyada kıtalar arası, kent-kent arası, üretim-pazar yeri arası ve işçi-işyeri arası yapılan ulaşım ağları sonrası, kentsel gelişme süreci artık ulaşıma göre devam etmiştir.Bu çalışmanın amacı Adana’nın kentsel gelişiminin ve ulaşım sistemlerinin karşılıklı ilişkisini Tarihi Coğrafya, Uzaktan Algılama ve CBS yöntemleri ile analiz etmek ve bu konuda literatüre katkıda bulunmaktır. Çalışmada ilk olarak tarihi coğrafya metotları ile Adana şehrinin kuruluş ve gelişme süreci ile kentleşmeyeetki eden faktörler tespit edilmiştir. Başbakanlık Osmanlı arşivinden 1872 yılına ait Adana şehir planı temin edilmiştir. Ulaşılabilen bu en eski şehir planı ile ilk sayısal altlık oluşturulmuştur. İller Bankasından elde edilen 1924 tarihli şehir planı yardımı ile CBS ortamında Adana şehrine ait ikinci bir şehir gelişim altlık üretilmiştir. Günümüze kadar gelen diğer üç altlık ise; 1972, 1985 ve 2012 tarihli LANDSAT MSS ve TM uydu görüntülerinin CBS ortamında kontrollü sınıflandırma yöntemleri yardımı ile oluşturulmuştur. Adana şehri ile ilgili olarak oluşturulan tüm bu altlıklardan kentsel alanlar hesaplanmıştır. Çalışmada yine bu altlıklar ve uydu görüntüleri kullanılarak yol altlığı da elde edilmiş uzunluk hesaplamaları yapılmıştır. Yıllara göre kentselalanlar ve yollar korelasyon analizine tabi tutulmuş ve aralarındaki ilişki dereceleri ölçülmüştür. Yol ağları ile kentsel alanlar oransal olaral da karşılaştırılmış ve kentsel gelişime göre yol ağı uzunluğunun ne şekilde geliştiği de tespit edilmiştir.


The urban development and transportation are human operations that are in relation with and follow each other but totally different in terms of phenomenon and action-reaction-control mechanisms. Until the beginnings of the 18th century, transportation mostly connected the settlements to each other in almost all of the cities on the world. However, after the industrial revolution, after the transportation network constructed among the continents, cities, between the production - marketplace, and the employer – employee, the urban development continued according to transportation. The purpose of the present study is to analyze the urban development and the transportation system relations of Adana in terms of the historical geography, remote sensing and the CBS methods, and to contribute to the literature on this topic. Firstly, through the historical geography methods, the factors that affect construction of Adana and its development process, and the urbanization were found out. The city plan of Adana that belongs to 1872 was obtained from the prime ministry’s Ottoman archive. The first numerical six basemaps were formed through this oldest city plan reached. With the help of the 1924’s city plan obtained from the city bank, a second city development basemap of Adana was constructed through CBS. The other three basemaps that come to today are formed through the help of the controlled classification methods with GIS of the 1972, 1985, and 2012 LANDSAT MSS and TM satellite images. Through all these basemaps that are formed about Adana, the city areas were calculated. Again with these bases, the road bases were also obtained and the length calculations were done. The city areas and the roads according to years were subjected to the correlation analysis and the relation levels of them were measured. The road networks and the city areas were also compared in terms of proportion and how the road length developed in relation to the urban development was fund out. The place where Adana was founded was decided with the factors mostly related to transportation like being an accommodation place on the important routes, a gateway while passing a big river, a river port because of the water transportation done on the River of Seyhan, and as a marketplace in the middle of an important agriculture area, Çukurova. These properties that did not change throughout history also helped the city to keep its existence until today at the first place it was founded. The urban development and transportation relation in Adana, especially after the industrial revolution, although it is late in terms of time, is parallel with the world cities. After the industrial revolution, in 1886, AdanaMersin rail, and in 1911 Istanbul-Baghdad rail reached to the city. Thanks to the railway that was connected to the international ports and areas of the time and therefore the increase in the agricultural production, and as a result of it the capital stock, the modern road routes arrived into Adana after 1945. In 1960s, with the development of the road networks in the area and the airport, the city also developed. While the only modern thing in 1886 in the city was the railway, especially after 1950 urban development started in accordance with the transportation networks. However, the intracity transportation and the planning in the old centers in the city could not keep up with the urbanization after 1985. Until the modern city planning period, the cities developed spontaneously. The place of every building was selected by the owner and with the help of a construction foreman. None of the architectural structure is in accordance with another. Until the end of the 18th century, the roads were roundabout and there were almost no main streets in Adana. When the modern planning period started, even if it was tried to have some renovation was tried to be done on the old settlement, this started to destruct the old city figure. The urban development was shifted towards the empty spaces around, the number of floors increased, and the streets and the roads started to widen. Because of the commercial and the administrative places that are in the center, the daily transportation centered towards the center. Since the streets narrowed down and the traffic became busier towards the center, there were big problems in the intracity urban transportation. Another problem of the city-transportation relation in Adana is that the intercity and international transportation systems are in the city center. Even if its place has been changed today, the Bus Terminal, Train Station, Şakirpaşa Airport are in the city center and TEM Highway, D400 Road go through the city center. These transportation systems make the different parts of the city to connect each other more difficult and cause a chaos in the intracity transportation. In terms of many aspects, these transportation systems’ passing through the city center makes the use of the many subways and overbidges obligatory. The subways and the overbridges are not complete and enough. According to the results of the study, one of the important factors that were effective on Adana’s being founded was its being on the important transportation routes. These routes were also effective on the city’s development. While the main line of the transportation was the railway until the 1950 in the study area, through the changes in agriculture and the development of the asphalt roads in 1950s, the railway became secondary. Within the same years, through the development of agriculture, there was a huge amount of migration and the city area had a fast growing period. While the roads had the enough capacity for the city area until the mid 1980s, towards the end of the 1980s the insufficiency in the road networks started and it became a problem in 1990. In 2000s and today, it emerged that the roads both intracity and intercity were insufficient in Adana, and that the transportation systems did not meet the intracity transportation needs. The development of the cities last hundreds, even thousands of years. Thus, the modern city planning regulates the cities according to the current situation of the city. For the solution of the transportation problem in Adana, the intercity and the international transportation systems should be moved out of the city, public transportation should be emphasized, and when necessary, the commercial and the administrative centers should be moved out of the center.


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