Dil, sadece söylemek istediklerimizi aktarmakla kalmayıp, aynı zamanda kim olduğumuz ve nereden geldiğimiz konusunda bize bilgi verir. Folklor ile dil arasındaki ilişki aranırken günlük dil, kültür dili, ilim dili ve medeniyet dili gibi kavramlar düşünülmüştür. Folklorun işlevlerinden birisi, bireylerin toplumda kabul edilmiş kültürel değerlere uyumunu sağlamasıdır. Folklor dili nedir sorusunu cevaplandırmak için bir sıra meselelere açıklık getirmek gerekmektedir. Anlatılarda, diyalog ve formüllerde, tekrar biçimlerinde poetik sıralanma örneklerinde, psikolojik paralelizm numunelerinde biz folklor dilinin edebi- estetik değerliliğini açık şekilde görmekteyiz. Folklor ve dil yüzyıllarca toplumun haberciliğini üstlenmiş, ezgiyle desteklenmiş şekil ve tür özellikleriyle de günümüze taşınmıştır. Folklor dili veya sözlü Halk Edebiyatı, edebi dili yazıya almaya kadar ki edebi dilin, başka bir deyişle; seçilmiş dilin, normlaşma sürecine girmiş dilin ta kendisidir. Bu anlamda yazılı edebi dilin iki temeli vardır: 1. Sözlü edebi dil veya folklor dili, 2. Canlı konuşma dili. Maalesef Türkiye'deki dilbilgisi çalışmalarında folklor dili derin ve kapsamlı araştırmaların objesi olmamıştır. Avrupa ve Rus dil biliminde ise folklor dilini irdeleyen, inceleyen değerli araştırmalar yapılmıştır. Türkiye'de halk bilimi ve halk edebiyatı çalışmalarında dil meseleleri zaman zaman konu olmuş ve değerli dil incelemeleri, tespitleri yapıldığı görülmüştür


Language not only transfer what we want to say but also gives us information about what we are and where we come from. The day-to-day language, culture language, language of civilization and likewise concepts have been considered, when the relation of between folklore and language have been looked up. One of the functions of folklore is its effect that forces the individual to conform to the accepted cultural norms within a society. What is the language to answer the question of folklore in a sequence of needs to clear up issues. The assassination, dialogue and formulas, formats, again ordering samples, samples of psychological paralelism poetik we language of literary folklore-we see the way the aesthetic value. Folklore language or oral folk literature, literary language, literary language, so much so that to get the article in other words; the selected language, the normlaşma process is the tongue. In this sense, there are two written literary language basis: 1. Oral language of literary language or folklore, 2. Live spoken language. One of the functions of folklore is its effect that forces the individual to conform to the accepted cultural norms within a society. Folklore and its language with their form and genre supported by melody, have been the messenger of the society for centuries and continued until the past present time Objective: World Dundes, Malinovsky, Veselovski's; Azerbaijan is also A. Acalov, H, E. Aslanov's, Turkey in Cobanoglu, Oguz, Ekici, Russia, Jirmunski, Grigoryev's; Turkish World Sarımsakov, Çimporeşin, Mirzayev's, İbrayev's focused and "Ethnography, theory of Dilbilimiyle relations announced on the written notes and not to mention for universal method. In our view, the research very valuable, though whether it's Text, whether based in the context of Ethnology Kuramlarının more deeply clarifying, Folklore structural theory and method of motion, Ferdinand de Saussure's point of view in accordance with the system and its composed of eco (Prague School of Functional, Denmark Glosematik School, the American School of Deskriptif) in Geneva, French, Russian and Spanish-based research are needed to explain the wide way. Especially Saussure's contrast-dikotomic relationships, valence theory; semiotics is the first degree in terms of folklore descriptions. Text or Context-based Methods directly to the theoretical ground that is related to the language research. Native American, African, and Pacific culture is associated to the study of languages in this examination of geographies. In this regard, Roland Barthes's "Ethnography and folklore of reviews and Bronislaw Malinovsky also Folklore Functional Analysis Models of Bascom, Oral Composition Theory (Perry's research) schools of Linguistics we chant the name of the method above, and are connected in such a way that theory with experiment. In Russia, the former Soviet area usually Braginski, İvanov, Losev, Meletinski and although at first the etc. mythology Lotman Ethnology and folklore studies in the field-based language is related to the research and language is rich with a wide implementation of methods. In our view, Turkey is very important in folklore studies with success in this direction in the analysis, discussion areas, and we have to show that there is need to review examples of sucking face. World Science experiences not only in the social sciences but also in science (physics, mathematics) come out of the new horizons this research makes it mandatory. We think the book of Dede Korkut and creates language elements of the structuralsemantic consonance Manastyn Kyzdary formal systematic investigation of the properties of the form, the individual types are especially Folklore mythology and ceremonial folklore, fell in love with the art of music and lyrics of their relationship, polyphonic; phonetic, or theories to investigate with formal and, very important scientific facts can reveal. Folklore, mystery, the secret of Folk Literature, one of the fundamental concepts of the language should be assumed to be, maybe. Methods and Findings: A code before language reserved. But this language is not concrete, meta language (language). Because the Hebrew, Greek or English language of the text of a text, it is impossible to compare Turkish. The property is not in the language, in the main line or to be metalanguage, the methodology of what we're going to try to compare, to deepen its or expendable. In this regard, it was observed that appropriate the following determinations: 1. Religious texts is forbidden (the equivalent), and post orders. Folklore narrative language emotion is installed on your computer. 2. Religious texts is not rich in literary arts or Poetics, is in a certain boundaries. Because the purpose of poetry or prose in General literary examples, not to create, is to bring people of divine revelation. 3. The Abrahamic religious texts is sacred. This is the Holiness accepts believers, who don't believe. Faith is not something that is proof. This logic is outside of the science research format as we know it. Folklore is not a sacred text.Research objects. Between them the temple is irrational. 4. Religious texts from the divine text (Levh-I Mahfuz) submitted in writing in the form of dubbing or orders. The Abrahamic religions, a person accepts and the essence of their nature; the implementation is different. Folklore narratives does not depend on divine origin, is human creativity and its language scheme does not contain any miracles. 5. the text of the creation of the Religion it is impossible by humans. Folklore text different from the process of creativity and excellent filtered the human phenomenon.6. it is impossible to translate Religious texts. It's not that the subject can leave without the meaning translation. Separate the text Linguistics, folklore sound, shape, it is possible to translate the equivalent structure models. As for the comparison of literature written in the plane of the meta language: 1. The purpose of the written literary language code, and as a result; It's simple and blogs join, is complicated. Folklore, language code is an expression of the beginning. This is; simplicity, openness, simplicity, simplicity. 2. Written literary language from the virtual power folklore is the umpteenth times. Folklore language is also virtual. But the language of virtual reality of folklore. The Foundation of written literature and folklore is its reality value next to it is the second.The next or second virtual are the main requirements. 3. at the beginning of the end of the process and the text written literature. At the beginning of the end of the process and the obscurity of the ancient folktales, and no reason. 4. Written literary language, rather than a fake, people work, live communication language is artificial. Folklore is more language language. 5. Types of Written literary language, poetics, known from folklore is very, very rich with currents. This richness of meaning and way more than quantity with dimension attributes. Written literature is equivalent to human technological and scientific power. Folklore is the power of art in East.Folklore is not in the written literature, written literature, folklore, bet of bet of the setting. According to him, it's not a measure of literary folklore, Touchstone and writing; Unlike written literature Touchstone and measure of folklore. 6. Written by iconic literature as folklore language differs from the language. Ancient Greek, Indian, Chinese philosophers and writers on Poetics, particularly language poetics on the plus they were fucking standing (Liseviç, 1949). Associated with this problem, as p. Grintser wrote: "the poetics in philological orientation, classical Indian poetic grammar is hanging her sincere commitment, even terms. Origin of the hidden meaning of many Sanskrit poetic router is associated with teaching of grammar category.Each treatise is some sections (for instance, the sixth part of the treatise Bhamahi) describes the grammar problems and teaching is that, based on the teachings of the poet on the basis of grammar is the leading question "(Grintser, 1984:136). Farabi, Biruni's literary text language plane, Dante's, Fuzuli, Ahundzade, Pushkin's attention, up and down the Court in Dibace, Risale and focused on this issue in school textbooks.Contemporary research Jakobson, Tınyanov, Jirmunski, Propp, Lotman names like this problem many times. The poem's grammar and Poetics of grammar has touched this problem tricks. Still, his "Linguistics and Poetics" article writing, which is of the manifesto. F. de Saussure's structural method was born from the Prague School (Mukarjevski, Trinka, Matezius; separate layers of the language) to expose the functional properties of structural poetik research f. de Saussure in Moscow with teaching "Poetik language learning Group" and "synthesis of the research aspect of Russian Formal School, method (Jakobson, Tınyanov, Eyhenbaum, Şıklovski) the formal language of folklore, learning of structural and functional direction. One of the literary language as represented by the only oral oral book cannot be the language and spoken language. Unfortunately, Turkey in the work of the grammar in folklore have not been deep and thorough research of the language object. European and Russian language in the language of science focused on customers, valuable research on folklore. Turkey in folklore and folk literature in the work of the language issues from time to time been the subject and valuable language reviews, selections were made. Result: 1. We are not truth, tried to show ways to get to him. 2. Folklore language, the language is Turkish written literature more is the main source and. 3. The language of Turkish folklore methods of classical and contemporary Linguistics (depicted, comparison, structural, functional, and text science) the systematic analysis of language learning, and folklore, in terms of language, it is very important to find out the mechanism. 4. The main features of Turkish folklore language poetics is the basic characteristics of the science. 5. General and Turkish folklore language folk literature is the concrete properties of the Turkish Cypriots. 6. Miths and Lullaby of proverb and extending to the saga of the great fairy tales on the way of mania Turkish sound, format, syntax highlighting and Word is indicative of the presence and abundance of Turkish language phenomenon.


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