Dünyayı küresel bir köy haline getiren televizyon izleyicilere, konuşacak ortak bir konu sağlarken, bireyi yerel, ulusal ve küresel ilişkilerin de içine konumlandırmaktadır. Kültüre etkileri üzerine ileri sürülen görüşe göre televizyon bireyleri, kitleleri, toplumları, milletleri birbirine yaklaştırmaktadır. Bu bağlamda tek dünya kültürü yaklaşımı iletişim, dayandırılmaktadır. Farklı bir görüş ise televizyonun her toplumda insanları eşit derecede etkilemediği yönündedir. Çünkü kültürel etkileşim, toplumdan topluma ve insanların içinde bulundukları sosyal çevre, ekonomik durum ve kültürel altyapıya göre farklılık göstermektedir. yabancı dizi ihraç eden ülkelerin bu tercihlerinde kültürel boyutları göz önünde bulundurabilecekleri düşünülmektedir. Çünkü bireylerin izledikleri yapımlardan etkilenme, kendilerine yakın bulma olasılıkları yüksektir. Bu bağlamda çalışmada Türk dizisi izleyen ülkeler ile Türkiye'nin ulusal kültür boyutlarının benzerliğinin ortaya konması amaçlanmıştır. Dizilerin ihraç edildiği 75 ülke Hofstede'nin kültüre ait olduğunu ifade ettiği dört boyuta (Güç uzaklığı- Power Distance (PDI), Bireysellik - Kolektivizm Individualism versus Collectivism (IDV), Erkeklik -Dişilik, Masculinity versus Femininity (MAS), Belirsizlikten Kaçınma Uncertainty Avoidance (UAI)) göre değerlendirilerek Türk dizilerini ihraç eden ülkeler ile Türkiye arasındaki kültür boyut yakınlıkları irdelenmektedir


Television, which makes the world into a global village, can be placed within local, national and global relations while providing individuals with conversation topics of common interest. According to the point of view that supports the cultural effects, television makes individuals, masses and societies close to one another. In this regard, “one world’’ culture approach is attributed to observations on communication, transportation and trade improvements. A different point of view supports the idea that television doesn’t have the same effect on every society. Because cultural interaction differs from society to society and according to the social environment people are in economical situation and cultural background. Gerard Hendrik Hofstede (1983) who has works on national and institutional intercultural interactions pointed in his works that national and regional cultural grouping have effects on the behaviors of societies. When these interactions are taken into consideration, it is thought that foreign countries, which export TV serials, might take cultural aspect into consideration while making their preferences. Because it is a highly likely that individuals will get affected from these productions and find it close to themselves. In this sense, it was aimed to show the similarities between the countries that watch Turkish TV serials and Turkey’s national culture aspects. 75 countries to which TV serials are exported will be evaluated according to four aspects (Power Distance (PDI), Individualism versus Collectivism (IDV), Masculinity versus Femininity (MAS), Uncertainty Avoidance (UAI)), which Hofstede suggests belongs to culture and cultural aspect closeness between the countries that watch Turkish TV series are examined As stated by Fiske, television is still the most popular pastime ever and also it is mass media that it’s a popular cultural medium. Television both shows and shapes contemporary life across the economic, political, social, cultural spectrum etc. For its own purposes television attempts to homogenize this diversity so that the television programs can reach as many different audiences as possible. These variations handle in a constant tension with cultural homogeneity. Cultural anthropologist Gerard Hendrik Hofstede conducted detailed interviews with employees in 53 countries. Hofstede was able to determine patterns of similarities and differences among the replies, despite standard statistical analysis and also he formulated his theory which all of cultures vary along consistent, basis dimensions. Since his subjects were constrained to one multinational corporation's world-wide employees, and thus to one company culture, he ascribed their differences to the effects of their national cultures. Besides this, Hofstede published a more accessible version of his research in the 1990s. Effects on the behaviors of societies and cultural classifications provide information on cultural characteristics of many different countries, according to Hoftsede. Otherwise, differentiation and assimilation on cultural values have been observed. All in all television has become the cultural production and TV serials effects thoughts and changes perceptions, and has the power to create an image of people and places that presents coded visuality. So, TV serials are the most popular television program in the world and it has a soothing effect for the audience to see people in serials who think and live like them as well. TV serials, might take cultural aspect into consideration while making their preferences. Because it is a highly likely that individuals will get affected from these productions and find it close to themselves. The TV serials that structure the dramas viewing experience – between episodes and between one scene and the next, as well as those created by commercial interruptions- become all the more important when one considers the complex network of character relationships formed by the TV serials community. In a sense, TV serials trade narrative closure for paradigmatic complexity These TV serials which are exported occupy an important position for the political approaches of the countries they're shown. Turkish TV serials remain at the forefront of family and society structure that most nations can easily relate to. Even though the codes of the messages presented in the serials do not comply with the codes of the target audience, because of the fact that basic concepts such as love, sexuality, health, money, family are universal, it's suggested that these productions receive appreciation. Turkish TV serials have imported to many countries and with these TV serials, Turkey's historical, touristic and natural beauties have been introduced to millions of citizens from neighbor countries and touristic attractions of the country have been went up. Serials have took the shape of culture exportation, as well. Turkish TV serials to receive more admiration in foreign countries, they make universal characters out of local stories. The usage of western elements in local productions helped establish a bond between traditional and modern by blending these elements with Turkish culture codes and helped these serials receive appreciation both in the west-side and eastside of the country. Watching serials that are on air every week and have subject that have continuity influence audience's emotions, thoughts, behaviors, appearance and habits inevitably. Apart from language resemblance, serials have many common points from geographical and physiognomic similarities to food, gender roles and life styles with the countries, these serials are broadcasted in. Arab audience can find closeness to Turkish serials that they can't find in Western productions. Also, dilemmas between traditional and modern that Western productions can't reflect in their productions don't exist in Turkish serials. Western societies, however, can find family relations, friendship, love relations which are concepts not familiar to them. In television serials, simple visual signs are achieved similar to universal culture; natural visual codes, on the other hand, are accepted to be special to that culture, and these codes are naturalized. For this reason, audiences living can infer different meaning out of the codes used during the production process because they have different backgrounds and life experiences. In addition to this, they also blend these codes with their own culture, because studies show that cultural dimensions of countries show similarities. As a result of that, even though it can be done unconsciously, the effect of these dimensions can be seen in preferences of the audience.


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