Tarama Sözlüğü, 13'üncü yüzyıldan 19'uncu yüzyıla kadar yazılmış olan 227 eserin taranması ile oluşturulan, öz Türkçe sözlerin tanıklarıyla birlikte verildiği, tarihi nitelikli bir sözlüktür. İki dizi halinde 12 cilt olan Tarama Sözlüğü; 1935 yılından 1977 yılına kadar sürdürülen 42 yıllık bir çalışmanın ürünüdür. İlk cildinin yayımlandığı tarihten bu yana, Türkoloji alanında büyük bir boşluğu dolduran, yerli ve yabancı uzmanlar tarafından sürekli kaynak olarak kullanılan Tarama Sözlüğü, eski metinlerle ilgilenen herkesin yararlandığı bir başyapıt niteliği taşımaktadır. Çalışma, bu sözlüğün tüm ciltlerinin incelenerek başlı başına bir konu olarak hayvan, hayvancılık ve veteriner hekimliğe ilişkin sözcüklerin gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu amaçla toplam 1120 sözcük saptanmıştır. Sözcüklerden 340'ının (%30,35) hayvanlara ilişkin isimlendirmelere, 129'unun (%11,51) anatomi terimlerine, 119'unun hayvancılığa (%10,62), 115'inin (%10,26) hastalıklara ilişkin sözcüklere, 57'sinin (%5,08) üremeye, 43'ünün (%3,83) ilaç, tedavi ve uygulamalara, 36'sının (%3,21) hayvansal gıdalara, 35'inin (%3,12) hayvan maddelerine, 21'inin (%1,87) avcılığa, 225'inin (%20,08) diğer sözcük ve sözcük gruplarına ilişkin olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Tarama Sözlüğü'nün hayvan, hayvancılık ve veteriner hekimliği yönüyle değerlendirildiğinde zengin bir söz varlığına sahip olduğu, bu çalışma ile konuya ilişkin araştırma yapmak isteyen kişilere kolaylık sağlayabilecek derli toplu bir başvuru kaynağı sunulduğu ileri sürülebilir


The Tarama Sözlüğü, compiled from the 227 books written between 13th and 19th centuries, is a historically important sourcebook that presents genuine Turkish proverbs along with their attestations. Published in two series with 12 volumes, the Tarama Sözlüğü is a product of 42 years spanning from 1935 to 1977. Since the publishing of its first volume, the Tarama Sözlüğü has not only filled the gap in the realm of Turkology but also has been utilized by both local and foreign scholars as a perpetual sourcebook and has become a masterpiece that has attracted numerous lovers of ancient texts. In the present study, it is aimed to derive the words related to animals, husbandry, and veterinary medicine from all volumes of the Tarama Sözlüğü, in an attempt to create a lexical compilation from these words. A total of 1120 words were elicited. Of these, 340 (30.35%) were related to animals, 129 (11.51%) to anatomical terms, 119 (10.62%) to stockbreeding, 115 (10.26%) to diseases, 57 (5.08%) to animal reproduction, 43 (3.83%) to drugs, treatment, and practices, 36 (3.21%) to food of animal origin, 35 (3.12%) to animal products, 21 (1.87%) to hunting, and 225 (20.08%) to other terms and word groups. As a result it can be said that this thesaurus encompasses a rich vocabulary in the realm of animals, husbandry and veterinary medicine and this study is a well-compiled sourcebook convenient for the researchers of this field.With the advent of the Turkish Alphabet Reform, numerous attempts to purify the Turkish language were undertaken, which in turn paved the way for the production of various terminological and concordance dictionaries on the basis of numerous basic literary works (e.g. Divânü Lügati’t-Türk, Kutadgu Bilig, and Old Turkish Inscriptions) (Eren 1984: 389; Korkmaz 1994: 96; Özel, 1986: 49). Of these, a fourvolume concordance dictionary called “Tanıklariyle Tarama Sözlüğü” (1943-1957) was compiled through the analysis of original Turkish words/phrases extracted from 160 Turkish literary works that had been published since the 13th century. Following this first series, a second series including six volumes called “Tarama Sözlüğü (1963-1972) (meaning concordance dictionary)” was formed through the revisions made to the first series and the addition of 67 literary works. Thereafter, this dictionary has not only filled a void in the realm of Turkology and also has become a masterpiece, serving as a reference sourcebook both for local and foreign scholars and for anyone having an interest in ancient texts (Dilçin 2009: 7). In the present study, knowing that the Tarama Sözlüğü also includes the words/phases relating to the realms of veterinary medicine and livestock breeding, we aimed to investigate and analyze the words/phrases related to the realms of livestock breeding, animal husbandry and veterinary medicine noted in this concordance dictionary. The study was mainly based on the two series of the Tarama Sözlüğü published between 1943-1957 and 1963-1977. The words/phrases extracted from the dictionary were divided into 10 groups. Spelling of each word/phrase was copied from the dictionary verbatim and then were enumerated based on the alphabetical order after the removal of recurrent cases. The words/phrases shared by human medicine were also included in the study. Reference to each word/phrase was given based on the volume where the word/phrase was first encountered and the page number for each word/phrase was given in the parenthesis, subsequent to the definition of the word/phrase. Findings A total of 1120 words were elicited. Of these, 340 (30.35%) were related to animals, 129 (11.51%) to anatomical terms, 119 (10.62%) to livestock breeding, 115 (10.26%) to diseases, 57 (5.08%) to animal reproduction, 43 (3.83%) to drugs, treatments and practices, 36 (3.21%) to food of animal origin, 35 (3.12%) to animal products, 21 (1.87%) to hunting, and 225 (20.08%) to other terms and word groups. 1.Words/Phrases Relating Animals, Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Medicine The words/phrases classified under this heading were divided into 10 groups including ‘names given to animals’, ‘animal products’, ‘medications, treatments and practices’, ‘words/phrases regarding diseases’, ‘anatomical terminology’, ‘words/phrases related to reproduction’, ‘words/phrases related to livestock breeding’, ‘words/phrases related to hunting’, ‘words/phrases related to food of animal origin’, and ‘other words/phrases related to animals’. Examples of these word groups are as follows: 1.1. Names Given to Animals arvana (avrana): female camel (1943: 45). büsük: cat (1957: 140) çemender: donkey (1957: 161). dombay (tonbay): buffalo (1943: 217). donuz (tonuz): pig (1943: 219). ferik: chick (1954: 279). kedence: cat (1969: 2395). koynu: sheep (1957: 545). 1.2. Animal Products kokarsu: semen (1969: 2606). kusundu: vomit (1969: 2750). salyar: saliva (1943: 596). samra: manure (1957: 660). sırkın: animal and bird droppings (1943: 625). südük (sidük): urine (1953: 854). tohum suyu: semen (1957: 754). tüy: bristle (1943: 707). 1.3. Medications, Treatments and Practices at otayıcı: veterinarian (1945: 67). baku: treatment (1943: 71). em: drug (1943: 265). melhem: ointment (1969: 2801). onultmak: cure (1953: 733). sağaltmak: remedy (1943: 586). takavcı: horseshoer (1953: 872). yaku: cautery (1972: 4222). 1.4. Words/Phrases Regarding Diseases buru: pain, ache (1945: 181). çelertme: a fatal disease that seen in sheep (1965: 853). kabarcık: anthrax (1953: 559). ötürük (ötrük): diarrhea (1953: 759). sakağı: ruam, a disease that seen in throat of horse (1943: 591). sayru (sayrı): sick (1943: 607). sepişken: epidemic, contagious (1971: 3388). uyuzlu: scabies (1954: 725). 1.5. Anatomical Terminology bağarsık (bağarsuk): intestine (1945: 93). bicik: breast (1945: 138). böğrek (böğrik): kidney (1943: 117). eyeğü: rib (1943: 287). kıtırdak: cartilage (1953: 634). kursak: stomach (1943: 498). öyken (öygen): lung (1943: 570). sünük: bone (1943: 655). 1.6. Words/Phrases Related to Reproduction bortlamak: give birth of camel (1943: 113). botlacı (potlacı, butlacı): pregnant camel (1945: 161). buzalamak: calve, give birth of animal (1943: 131). ime: whelp (1943, s377). köşekletmek: deliver a camel whelp (1953: 661). kunlacı (kunnacı, kulunlacı): pregnant (1953: 666). kunlamak: reproduce (1953: 666). mamılık (mamalık): midwifery, helping an animal at birth (1953: 685). 1.7. Words/Phrases Related to Livestock Breeding ağayıl: sheep pen (1943: 6). at oğlanı (at uşağı): groom, hostler (1945: 67). güdücü (güden): sheepherd (1943: 336). halta: leash (1945: 483). kanara: slaughter house (1943: 409). otar: ranch (1971: 3025). sepilemek: leather tanning (1943: 613). yüğen: halter, bit (1972: 4743). 1.8. Words/Phrases Related to Hunting avlak: place of hunting (1945: 69). balık duzağı: fishnet, fishing rod (1963: 390). bavlı: accustomed to hunting, get used to hunting (1945: 118). bavlımak: hound dog that accustomed to hunting (1943: 82). düşürmek: hunt, knock down (1943: 248). fak: snare, trap (1943: 292). kuşlamak (kuş kuşlamak): fowl, catch a bird (1943: 4502). pırlak: a bird that used to catch other birds. (1943: 579). 1.9. Words/Phrases Related to Food of Animal Origin basdırma: pastrami (1963: 406). bozca aş (bozca aşı): soup with yogurt (1963: 658). keş (keşk): dried yogurt (1957: 503), cheese made of skim milk or yogurt curds (1969: 2455). kımız: the famous Turkish drink made from fermented mare's milk (1943: 458). köfter: fruit leather, soudjouk (1957: 546). penir: cheese (1953: 770). sayağı (sayağ, sayyağı): butter, clarified butter (1971: 3349). torak (dorak): strained yogurt, dry cottage cheese (1957: 757). 1.10. Other Words/Phrases Related to Animals 1.10.1. Other Words Related to Animals at oynağı: horse playing place (1945: 67). atlanmak (ata atlanmak): ride a horse (1943: 52). beğirmek: baa (1945: 124). dünek: roost (1945: 338). kahalamak: beak (1953: 563). kişirti: neigh (1943: 473). yılancı: the person who is dealing with snakes (1972: 4575). yoz: wild (1943: 843). 1.10.2. Other Phrases Related to Animals at binmek: ride a horse (1954: 45). at depretmek: ride a horse (1957: 49). av itmek: hunt (1963: 283). derisin çıkarmak: skin out (1965: 1108). döğün komak: cauterize (1965: 1227). göbek burusu: tummy ache (1943: 313). içi geçmek: have diarrhoea (1957: 408). kan kaşanmak: blood urinate (1957: 464). Conclusion In conclusion, analysis of the Turkish words/phrases related to animals, livestock breeding and veterinary medicine noted in the Tarama Sözlüğü indicated that the concordance dictionary is a valuable reference book for the realm of veterinary medicine since it has a large body of vocabulary and provides support for the notion that animals and livestock breeding have long been highly valued in the Turkish Culture. It can also be concluded that the data in this study provides a facilitating source for further studies.


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