Büyük Taarruz sonucunda Yunan ordusunun dünya tarihinde ender görülen bir hezimet ile Anadolu'yu terk etmesi Millî Mücadele Hareketini yeni bir aşamaya getirmiştir. 10 Eylül 1922 sonrası Türk ordusunun hedefi artık Yunanlılar değil Boğazlar ve İstanbul'daki İngiltere ve müttefikleridir. Osmanlı Devleti'ni paylaşım aşamalarının Bolşevik İhtilali neticesinde kısmen ama önemli değişikliğe uğraması sonunda Boğazlara yerleşmeyi düşünen İngiltere'nin bu isteğine sıcak bakmayan Fransa ve İtalya, Çanakkale'de İngilizleri Türk ordusu ile yalnız bırakmıştır. Bir taraftan sınırlı kuvvetleri ile savunma hazırlıkları yapan İngiltere diğer taraftan yeni müttefik arayışına girmiş, kolonileri ve Balkan devletlerini yoklamış, onlardan da yüz bulamayınca tekrar Fransa ve İtalya'ya dönerek Türklere karşı savaşa iknaya çalışmış, başarısız olunca maceraperest diye tanımladığı Mustafa Kemal Paşa ile masaya oturmaya mecbur olmuştur. Ancak 10 Eylül 1922'den 30 Eylül 1922'ye kadar geçen zaman dilimi içinde sıcak çatışma ile yüz yüze kalan ve yalnızlığa mahkûm olan İngiliz idaresi bu sürede meydana gelen süreci Çanakkale'yi Çanak olarak isimlendirdiği için "Çanak Krizi" olarak tanımlamıştır. Bu kriz esnasında her ne kadar Hükümet üyeleri arasında fikir ayrılıkları kendini gösterse de Kabine Türk ordusunun saldırması durumunda Çanakkale ve Boğazı savunmada kararlılık göstermiştir. Bu kararlılığın bir sonucu olarak Boğazın ve kentin savunulması konusunda geniş analizler yapılmış, muhtemel savunma hareketleri planlanarak bölgeye askeri kuvvet sevk edilmeye başlanmıştır. Ancak Mustafa Kemal Paşa'nın Paris notasında yer alan İstanbul, Boğazlar ve Doğu Trakya'nın Türklere verilmesi karşılığında ateşkes çağrısını kabul etmesi Mudanya Mütarakesi'nin imza edilmesiyle sonuçlanacak, bu netice Başbakan Lloyd George'un siyasi kariyerinin sonunu getirecektir


Because of a heavy defat suffered by the Greek Army at the hands of The Turkish Army, the National Struggle Movement came to new stage. After September 10, 1922, the Turkish Armies’ target was the Turkish Straits and İstanbul, so the British and her allies. Following the Bolshevik Revolution, the plans of partition agreements of the United Kingdom, France and Italy regarding Ottoman Empire fell apart. Since the British Government was pursuing İstanbul as her part, French and Italian Governments left Britain alone with the Turkish Army in Çanakkale. The British Government, on the one hand, engaged defense preparations with its limited military forces, on the other hand sought new allies, colonies and Balkan States. Yet, when it failed, the British Government was found itself communicating with Mustafa Kemal Pasha described himself earlier as a adventurer. This period from 10th to 30th September 1922, was called as “Çanak Crisis” since Britain was confronted by the Turkish Army and her allies left her alone. During the crisis, although Cabinet members had differences of opinion, the United Kingdom showed decisiveness to defend Çanakkale and the Dardanelles in the event of a Turkish attack. As a result of mentioned decisiveness, comprehensive analyses were prepared. With planning possible defence movements, troops were sent to area. At the end, Mustafa Kemal Pasha’s approval of an armistice invitation within the frame of Paris memorandum on condition that Istanbul, the Dardanelles, Bosphorus and East Thrace would be belong the Turks. With signing of the Armistice of Mudania, George Lloyd’s political career was coming to end. Britain's military status, the results of the defense strategy and applications in and around Çanakkale will be explained in this article in the light of the British documents.This article is about to examine British military position, defence strategies, applications and consequences during ‘’The Çanak Crisis’’ in the light of British documents. As a result of The Battle of Dumlupinar , having been defeated Greek Army left Asia Minor with one of the biggest fails of world history, brought Turkish War of Independence to a new stage. After 10 September 1922, the aim of Turkish Army was not only to wipe off Greek Army but also to reach the straits of Dardanelles and Bosphorus through challenge Britain and her allies. In the wake of the Bolshevik Revolution, the partition agreements of Ottoman Empire underwent partly but important changes so that France and Italy left Britain in the lurch against Turkish Army because of these powers had not leaned towards Britain to settle the straits. On the one hand, making defence preparations Britain, on the other hand, attempted to gain new allies through demanding her colonies and Balkan states. Having been refused Britain, to face France and Italy to convince them to fight against the Turks. Failed British initiatives obliged Britain to make a deal with Mustafa Kemal Paşa, who was earlier defined as ‘’adventurer’’ by the British Government. The British Administration was under risk to have hot conflict from 10 – 22 September in 1922. This period of time was considered as’’ The Çanak Crisis’’ so that British names Çanakkale city as ‘’Çanak’’. The Article focuses on military and strategical aspects of the crisis. There are some studies already revealed political and governmental sides of the Çanak Crisis. However, advancing of Turkish army towards the straits made the British Government distracted so it tried to contact, once again, France and Italy to get support. General Harrington made an offer which was rejected by London included letting the Turkish Army to land any part of Thrace apart from demilitarized zone. London claimed that without any formal treaty, this offer would encourage Turkish side and outrage British honour. General Harrington gave orders to strenghten British defence line over so much more Turkish troops. Following Allies transmitting to Mustafa Kemal Paşa ‘’the 23 September 1922 Memorandum’’, Conference of Mudania was gathered. At this point, General Harrington’s policy evolved to avoid any kind of hot conflict with Turkish Forces. But British Commander was anxious that the Turks were eager to start conflict; to prevent this Harrington gave strict orders his soldiers and organised all plans to avoid from a provocation. In parallel with these measures, he also tried to evacuate British families to safe zone. Damaging of telegram lines by Turkish Nationalists showed Harrinngton’s actions were welldirected. London informed Harrington to stay in these four lines. a) To keep hold of Gallipoli Penisula at all costs. b) To defend Çanakkale unless military forces are fully threatened. c) To evacuate Kocaeli Peninsula in the event of strong attack d) To withdraw Istanbul at a push. Harrington’s wish was to conclude an agreement while Britain was securing its positions in Kocaeli, Çanakkale and Gallipoli peninsulas and the United Kingdom flag waving in Istanbul. Afeter the defensive preparations, British forces had to secure the Ottoman Christians who lived in West Anatolia and Thrace after withdrawing of Greek Army from Asia Minor. Local people tended to support the Kemalists and Ottoman gendermaries were firm, this would make it harder. Refugees in neutral zone and outside should have been considered. In case of need, full evacuation of the city had been planned; martial law and military control was determined. Colonel Shuttleworth ordered on 15th September to gather all Christians who lived around Çanakkale and British citizens into Çanakkale. While Turkish army was advancing to Ezine and Biga, British aircrafts reported through aerial surveillance that the Turks had no aim to go beyond of Edremit. British soldiers gradulally withdrew from Sarıcalı then Erenköy. In septermber, two comprehensive memorandums were worked out by General Staff, Royal Airforce command, Navy to consider British military position in Istanbul and Çanakkale during the Çanak Crisis. These reports also had informative content about Turkish forces and their mobility. In conclusion, Britain had been shaken from 10 September to the date Mustafa Kemal Paşa accepted Paris memorandum on 30 September. Britain called as crisis this process and had troubles to handle it as far as her imperial interests. Although Cabinet members had differences of opinion, showed decisiveness to defend Çanakkale and the Dardanelles in the event of a Turkish attack. As a result of mentioned decisiveness, comprehensive analyses were prepared. With planning possible defence movements, troops were sent to area. In this period, Mustafa Kemal Paşa’s approval of an armistice invitation within the frame of Paris memorandum on condition that Istanbul, the Dardanelles, Bosphorus and East Thrace would be belong the Turks. With signing of the Armistice of Mudania, George Lloyd’s political career was coming to end.


  • İngiliz Devlet Arşivi (Public Record Office) Belgeleri
  • 1.CAB: İngiliz Kabinesi Toplantı Tutanakları Katalogu.
  • 2.WO: İngiliz Savaş Bakanlığı Katalogu
  • Erat, Muhammet, “Milli Mücadelede Çanakkale Bölgesi” Çanakkale Tarihi IV, İstanbul 2008, s.3123-3129.
  • Shaw, Stanford J., From Empire to Republic c. IV, Ankara, 2000.
  • Sonyel, S. Türk Kurtuluş Savaşı ve Dış Politika II, Ankara, 1991.
  • Şahin, Enis, “Milli Mücadele’de Çanak Bunalımı (Eylül 1922), İlkadımdan Cumhuriyete Milli Mücadele Sempozyumu, Samsun 10-12 Mayıs 2007, İstanbul 2008, s.485-502.
  • Tansel, S. Mondoros’tan Mudanya’ya Kadar c.IV. İstanbul, 1991.