Deylem asıllı Şiî bir devlet olan Büveyhîlerin, 945 yılından itibaren fiilî olarak Sünnî İslâm dünyasının merkezi olan Bağdad'a hâkim olmalarının siyasî güç dengesi ve mezhepsel açıdan doğurduğu sonuçlar, hem Abbasî Halifeliği hem de Büveyhî tarihi açısından oldukça güç bir dönemi temsil eder. Bu anlamda Bağdad'daki siyasî, sosyal, ekonomik ve askerî vaziyet oldukça hassas bir durum arz etmiştir. Özellikle iç güvenlik bağlamında kentteki Şiî-Sunnî çatışması ve Deylemli-Türk gerilimi Büveyhî iktidarı boyunca varlığını ve etkisini sürdüren en büyük problem olmuştur. Bunların haricinde kent güvenliği nokta-i nazarında başka sorunlar olmakla birlikte üçüncü büyük sorun olarak telakki edebileceğimiz husus, konumuzu teşkil eden ayyâr, şâtır, dâ'ir ve hırsızların sebep oldukları problemlerdir. Farklı zamanlarda ve coğrafyalarda ehli fütüvvet (fityan) ile ilişkilendirilmelerine rağmen toplumun en alt tabakasını temsil ettikleri vurgulanan ayyâr ve şâtırlar ile benzer şekilde ayaktakımından kabul edilen dâ'ir ve hırsızlar Büveyhî tarihi boyunca daha çok menfi davranışlarıyla karşımıza çıkmaktadırlar. Nitekim Büveyhîler devrinde bunların isyanları ve sebebiyet verdikleri yağma, gasp, cinayet, hırsızlık, yangın, haraç alma vb. çok sayıda suç hâdiseleri ve kanunsuz eylemler kaydedilmektedir. Makalemizde Büveyhîler idaresindeki Bağdad'da çok sayıda insanın ölümüne yol açan, hem siyasî hem de sosyal ve ekonomik hayatı felce uğratacak olan ayyâr, şâtır, dâ'ir ve hırsızların eylemleri şehir-kent güvenliği açısından ele alınıp irdelenecektir


Buyids, were of Daylamite origine and shi‘ite, de facto begun to reign over Baghdad, the centre of the Sunnī Islāmic World since 945. In terms of balance of political power and denominational, its consequences represent a very difficult period as well as in Abbasid Caliphate and the Buyids history. In this sense, the political, social, economic and military situation in Baghdad became more fragile. Especially in the context of internal security, the Shi‘ite-Sunnī conflict and Deylamite-Turk tension in Baghdad have been the biggest problem that maintained its existence and influence throughout the ruling of Buyid. Apart from these, in spite of being other problems point of view city security, the problem that we can consider as the third big poblem are the troubles caused by ayyārs, shātirs, dā‘irs and thieves. Ayyārs and shātirs who was emphasized to having represented common peoples, although was associated with followers of futuwwa (fityān) at different times and regions, and likewise dā‘irs and thieves who was accepted commoners have been on the books with their negative behaviors during Buyids period. As a matter of fact, there are recorded their revolts and caused loot, extortion, murder, theft, fire and so on numerous criminal activity and illegal acts in that time. This article will focus on ayyārs, shātirs, dā‘irs and thieves activity which lead to the death of many people and made difficult both political and social and economic life in Baghdad under ruling of Buyids. greatest problem that disrupts the order in Baghdad. We see that ayyārs and shātirs who was emphasized to having represented common peoples, although was associated with followers of futuwwa (fityān) including Baghdad at different regions and times, and likewise dā‘irs and thieves who was accepted commoners, with their negative behaviors during Buyids period. As a matter of fact, in this research, we are witnessing their carried out robbery, looting, extortion, theft ect. and set fires and caused a large amount of commercial product to be plundered or destroyed because of their attacks against merchant and trade places. It is also a fact that many people lost their lives the results of their attacks or during the events they were leading. Similarly the merchants who live in fear of life and property due to ayyārs, shātirs, dā‘irs and thieves attacks, migrated to other cities. As this weakened the financial and economic situation of the city and also some results of this like disrupts the inflation and commercial activity affected society and politics. For his reason, the violence and cruelty that these groups are subjected to the public, made life uninhabitable and lifted the prosperity and peace in Baghdad, one of the most popular cities of the time. Unfortunately, it is also a fact that people are constantly exposed to this situation, with some exceptional periods throughout the history of Buyids. Because of being the capital city despite the fact that both Khalifa and Buyids sultans and emīrs were in Baghdad depending on administrative weaknesses and weakening of the political authority we see ayyārs, shātirs, dā‘irs and thieves have to opportunity to realize the rebellions and the disturbances in an easy way. So despite their army of thousands, they could not prevent the oppression, persecution and violence of the ayyār groups had also caused the reaction of people from time to time. Also Sāhib al-shurta/sahib al-mu‘ūna who is responsible for the city security, mostly could not struggle against these groups and some of them lost their lives for this cause. Actually caliphs and sultans themselves are also attacked and attempted by them. As a matter of fact, Dār al-Mamlaka was repeatedly exposed to attempts of theft and even was changed location of the harem for this reason is important in terms of showing the point where the lawlessness and criminal events in the city. Baghdad’s inhabitants and the statesmens was openly exposed to their attacks in the mid-day is important to show that Buyids not carried out a successful city security policy and could not established city order in Baghdad. On the other hand, during this time, many chief (reis) of ayyārs who interfered in the social, economic and political life of the city, emerged in Baghdad. One of these, al-Burcumī ended khutbah in the name of the caliph and sultan and the khutbah was read in his own name. In this context, it is possible to see that the ayyārs, shātirs, dā‘irs and thieves abolished the political and administrative authority at certain times (as in 364 / 974-975), that they began to secure the life and property of the people themselves, and that they collected the taxes such as political authority. However, We coincide with Buyid’s sultans who have lost their authority and influence, applied for their (ayyārs act.) help as in the case of 443 (1051) years from time to time.


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