Bilindiüi gibi dil, insana özgü ve çift eklemli bir olgudur. Çok boyutlu doğası gereği karmaşık bir yapı sergiler. Bu karmaşık yapının sonucu olarak felsefe, ruhbilim (psikoloji), toplumbilim (sosyoloji) gibi pek çok alanla doğrudan ilişkilidir. Bu niteliğin bir yansıması olarak dil incelemeleri de farklı yaklaşım, yöntem ve terimleri, bir başka ifade ile disiplinler arası bir yaklaşımı zorunlu kılan bir bilim alanına dönüşmüş; 20. yüzyılın başında kendi kuram, terim, yöntem ve uygulamalarını oluşturan ve dil incelemelerine daha sistemli bir boyut kazandıran dilbilim ortaya çıkmıştır. Söz dizimi, bütün dilsel birimleri ve bu birimlerin sistem içindeki ilişkisini inceleyen kapsamlı bir dil inceleme aşamasıdır. Cümle kurmak seçme ve birleştirme (sentez yapma) etkinliği; bir başka ifade ile dizisel ögeleri dizimsel boyuta aktarma sürecidir. Sözlü ya da yazılı olarak kurulan cümleyi anlamak ise analizi gerektirir. Bir dilin söz dizimi anlamlı/görevli birimlerin hem birleştirilme (sentez) hem de çözümlenme (analiz) kurallarını belirleyen dil bilgisi /dilbilim alanıdır. Bu yönüyle ana dil ve/veya yabancı dil öğrenimi, anlatma ve anlama süreçlerinin de odak noktasını oluşturur. Çünkü bir dili öğrenmek o dilin söz dizimi ilkelerini kavramak ve dil becerisine dönüştürebilmek demektir. Dil bilgisi veya dilbilim tarihi incelendiğinde farklı ve farklı terimler, tanımlar kullanılarak çeşitli dillerin söz dizimi yapılarının betimlendiği görülür. Türk dil bilgisi çalışmaları kapsamında da Türkçenin söz dizimi ile ilgili çok önemli çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmalar terim seçimi, tanımlama ve çözümleme yöntemleri konusunda önemli farklılıklar göstermektedir. Bu durum dilin doğası gereği çok boyutlu bir olgu olması, ve bakış açılarının farklılığının doğal bir sonucu olarak değerlendirilebilir. Çünkü dilin farklı nitelik ve işlevlerini belirginleştiren dilbilim kuramlarının farklı yöntem ve yaklaşımlarla farklı sonuçlar ortaya çıkabilir. Ancak, Türkçe söz dizimi çalışmaları belli bir kurama dayandırılmadığı, bir başka ifade ile yapılan çalışmaların kuramsal çerçevesi belirlenmediği için ortaya çıkan sonuçların dil eğitimine beklenen katkıyı sağlayamadığı görülmektedir. Bu durum dil öğretim süreçlerinde dil bilgisinin tartışılır hale gelmesine neden olmuştur. Tartışma yönteminin kullanıldığı bu betimsel çalışmada bağımsal, işlevsel, üretici dönüşümsel gibi dilbilim kuramları doğrultusunda Türkçe söz dizimi sorunlarının irdelenmesi ve çözüm önerileri geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu bağlamda alanyazın taranarak söz dizimi ile ilgili tanım ve çözümlemeler tartışılmıştır


As known language is a double-jointed phenomenon and inherently it has a complex structure. Because it is directly related to many disciplines like philosophy, psychology and sociology. As a result language studies has also been conducted with different approaches, methods, and terms. At the beginning of 20 th century, linguistics was transformed into a field that forms its own approaches, terms, methods and practice and thus it made language studies gain a more systematic format. Syntax is a comprehensive language analysis stage that examines all linguistic units and the relationship of these units in the system. When the history of grammar and linguistics was examined it has been seen that the syntactic structures of various languages are described by using different approaches, terms and definitions. Similarly it is known that there are very important qualitative and quantitative studies conducted about Turkish syntax. These studies also show significant differences in both choice of terms and analysis methods. This situation, which can be regarded as a natural consequence of different viewpoints, becomes a problem as it is not based on a particular theory, in other words for it's undetermined theoretical framework. The aim of this study in which the description and discussion methods are used is to examine the problems of Turkish syntax and offer solutions according to theories of linguistics such as dependency, functional and transformational-generative linguistics theories As generally known, language is human specific and a double articulated phenomenon. It exhibits complex structure according to its multi dimensional nature. As a result of this complex, language is directly related to philosophy, psychology (psychology), and sociology. The study of language as a reflection of the different nature of this approach, method and terms, in other words, has turned into a science by mandating an interdisciplinary approach; linguistics has emerged with its own terminology, methods and practices that make up language and has given a more systematic study since the beginning of the 20th century. Syntax examines all linguistic units and the relationship of these units comprehensively in the language. Choosing to build sentences and merge (making synthesis) activity; in other words; it is an activity to convey words from paradigmatic elements to syntagmatic structure of the language. Understand an oral or written sentence requires analysis. For this reason, the syntax of a language as an area of Linguistics and related to rules of combining units and analysis. In this respect the mother language and / or foreign language learning is the focal point of communication. Because learning a language means that to grasp the principles of syntax and to convert them to language skills. When the history of linguistics or linguistics is studied, it can be said that with different approaches and different historical terms were used do define syntactic structures. Very important works on the syntax in Turkish studies were conducted under Turkish grammar too. These studies show different variations in terms of choice of terms, definitions and methods of analysis. In this case, the nature of language is a multi-dimensional phenomenon and differentiation in points of views can be seen as natural. Because as a natural result of differences related to the language and different points of views can produce different results. However, theories has been produced so far were not based on a specific syntax Turkish studies, in other words, theoretical framework of the studies were not defined clearly, these studies has not contributed enough to language teaching and learning as expected. This condition has led to grammar to be part of disputation in language teaching process. In this descriptive study it is aimed to examine the problems of the syntax of Turkish language and propose solutions via using contextual, functional and transformational linguistic theories. In this regard, descriptions of the syntax and analyses were discussed in the light of related literature. It is found that traditional sentence practices conflict itself some times and the integrity of sentence and linguistics and syntactic structure are determined to overlap. One of the most important stage of the scientific process, as is known, the appropriate disclosure of the terms with suitable concepts and definitions. Turkish syntax studies are being examined in this respect, it is seen that sentence and syntax had same meaning and evaluated from this perspective. This approach to identification, classification causes the conflict in resolution method. For example, "sentence" is accepted as top unit defining "a thought, a feeling, a situation that describes an event" with impressing its function in communication, but its formal limits defined with verb clause. In this case the fundamental problems that led to the confusion of the whole stage grammar analysis requires the answers to the following questions: Is it a function of the message to determine the sentence, have relation of language units that generated the message, must language informational form be decisive? But these questions are expected to be answered in the context functional, distributional or structural Because the syntax refers generally to the system of concept relationships; the sentence reflects the totality of the rules developed in a pre-agreed framework. First, describing the natural language of the first articulation system, second, language tries to explain the abstract rules accordingly and sentence sounds, words / phrases, groups of words classified format (categorized) is accepted as the last step of a language hierarchy. This approach is rather to describe syntactic language units according to predetermined functions than understand / explain the process according to the categories that do not contribute to the review. The following examples could be considered as an indication of the situation: This approach has achieved some syntax in their work; "Benim iman dolu göğsüm gibi serhaddim var (I have full faith in my chest like my borders." Sentence 'like' has been categorized as a metaphor preposition; It stated that compared chest full faith with borders of the country. However, it is not a border like faith-filled breast; It is stated that no other faith-filled breast from you. So as to contribute to the understanding of the message categorical analysis performed with this approach hinders the ability to understand information. When Turkish and Turkish Language and Literature teacher candidates were asked the sentence of " Onun gibisini görmedim I have not seen like him." They solved the sentence as follows: (+ genitive pronoun suffix) = complement + (preposition + possessive suffix) = Completion of; Completion of determinant + = noun phrase has been reached as a result. In this resolution 1 / 1 ratio taking into account the units that have been deleted from the form because it can be understood; therefore, it failed to reach deep structures. In addition, further information about the kinds of words not be created or 'sentence' or not transferred to the field with the words of educational terms. Because prepositions "has no meaning on its own but which communicates the words" as defined but "Prepositions in name is noble and can be used as the name" the form of categorical information showing the basic concept of the phrases 'Completion of' as a basis for evaluating drawbacks. Traditional language informational analysis of events organized approach It does not appear that a rationale for the development of language skills. Results / suggestions; the information produced by various different approaches are needed to examine the information in the Turkish language. However, the acquisition of language skills that will contribute to the quality of the information produced is important. However, despite the improvement in Linguistic sin these studies, generally traditional approach has been realized. When resolving language units in each level, the basic nature of the double articulation of language feature should be considered and the form / function must be evaluated in terms of both the understanding of the structure and function to understand / explain to contribute to skills. The examination of the language carried out by considering the knowledge of linguistic theories, and generalizations made on the definition of the testing that encompass and include all samples, will allow information to be generated consistent. Linguistics, should be considered as a very useful guide the process of understanding the type of information; categorical of traditional grammar, against the scientific approach to linguistics approach should stand out. To do this, we first need to determine the research - practice approach in terms of objectives and activities. Syntax analysis could be seen as deep structure embodied in a way the nature of the design structure surface. This design aims to determine and understand the relationship between the constituent parts of each other form of transfer the function / the meaning. In addition, to explore the creativity of language analysis process to evaluate many different designs should be to gain the ability to synthesize differently. Numerous and very qualified studies were made in Turkish syntax. However, it should be remembered that "to create a grammar is the main objective of each linguistic theory” (Clairis, 2003, s. 25) and each linguistics event must be based on the linguistic theories "with relation to sciences and social needs, particularly the requirements related to language or foreign language education ".(Clairis, 2003, s. 25)


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