Dil eğitimi konuşma, yazma, dinleme ve okuma becerilerini dil bilgisi kuralları çerçevesinde ve bir bütün dahilinde insana kazandırmayı amaçlayan bir süreçtir. Dil eğitimi kültür aktarımını da beraberinde getirir. Dilin nesilden nesile ve insandan insana bu aktarım yeteneği bilgi aktarımının da vazgeçilmez bir köprüsü olduğu anlamına gelir. Dili, o dilin iklimi içerisinde öğrenmiş olan insan o dil ve kültürün oluşturduğu maddi ve manevi mirasın da bir taşıyıcısı hâline gelir. Her dil geçmişten bugüne bulunduğu kültürün ve ait olduğu milletin ilmini de kurallarında, kelimelerinde, edebiyatında taşır. Türkçenin yabancı dil olarak öğretimine bu bakış açısıyla bakıldığında bilim dili olarak milletimize ait unsurların dünya bilimine katkısı ve Türkçenin kullanımının yaygınlaşarak Türkçenin bilim dili olması konusundaki gelişiminin desteklenmesi adına yabancı dil olarak Türkçenin öğretimi büyük önem arz etmektedir. Bu konuda öğretmen adaylarının görüşleri, geleceği şekillendiren bu mesleğin gelecekteki temsilcilerinin düşünceleri olması bakımından önemlidir. Türkçenin bilim dili olarak yaygın kullanımı adına yabancı dil olarak Türkçenin öğretimi konusunda öğretmen adaylarının farkındalığı, düşünceleri, önerileri ile çalışma şekillenmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında Bozok Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi öğrencileri içinden örneklem oluşturularak görüşme verileri alınmış ve yorumlanmıştır. Çalışmada görüşme yöntemi kullanılmış ve 32 lisans öğrencisinden görüş alınmıştır. 7 Soruluk görüşme formunun katılımcı cevapları temalandırılmış ve bu verilere göre çalışma alana katkı sağlayacak önerilerle sonuçlanmıştır. Yabancılara Türkçe Öğretiminin yaygınlaşması ve tanıtımının iyi yapılmasının bilim dili olarak Türkçeye katkısı olacağı ulaşılan sonuçlar arasındadır


Language training, speaking, writing, listening and reading skills with in the framework of grammar rules and within a whole human being is a process which aims to save. Language training and cultural transmission, sketch. The language passed down from generation to generation and the ability to transfer information from person to person transfer of this indispensable means that a bridge. Language, that language is learned in the climate of human material and spiritual heritage of language and culture that creates a carrier comes into. Each language contains culture from past to present and also the letter of the rules of the nation to which it belongs, the Word carries in the in literature. Turkish language teaching as a foreign language when looking at this from the perspective of our nation as the language of Science World Science and the use of wide spread Turkish, Turkish is the language of science on behalf of support progress toward the teaching of Turkish as a foreign language. In this regard the views of prospective teachers, representatives of this profession that shapes the future of the future is that it is important in terms of thoughts. In the name of science of Turkish language teaching of Turkish as a foreign language as a common use of prospective teachers awareness about, thoughts, suggestions will be working with. Scope of the study, students of the Faculty of education was created from which sample Bozok University interview data are taken and paraphrased. Study calls method used and taken feedback from 32 undergraduate students. 7 answers to participants with interview form is themed, and according to this data, recommendations that will contribute to the work area. The spread and promotion of Turkish to foreigners was done good for contribution on Turkish for science language will be among the results reached Scope of the study, students of the Faculty of education was created from which sample Bozok University interview data are taken and paraphrased. Study calls method used and taken feedback from 32 undergraduate students. 7 answers to participants with interview form is themed, and according to this data, recommendations that will contribute to the work area. The spread and promotion of Turkish to foreigners was done good for contribution on Turkish for science language will be among the results reached. 1. Introduction A nation's language teaching as a foreign language, first of all, the Government should come out with a language policy. For this purpose, will be applied to the members of the program to be run, what will you need in terms of equipment and how they will be achieved, it is important for planning and maintaining. (Tosun, 2005:24) 1.1. The Aim Of The Study As the science of language teaching as a foreign language in Turkish, Turkish is the determination of the contribution of student opinion. For this purpose, sought answers to the following questions: 1-Turkish language is important that science language? Why? 2-Turkish is a science language? Why? 3-As science language in little area of the world of Turkish language what are the reasons? 4-Turkish to foreigners Teaching English as a language of science contributes to happen? 5-See science of Turkish language of Teaching Turkish to foreigners contribution must be made to work? 6-The teaching of Turkish studies about the foreigners up to date in this regard is sufficient and contributor? 7-The aliens, however, he sees it as the language of science? Why? 2. Conceptual/Theoretical Framework Turkey's location in which to teach Turkish to foreigners increasing need. Located in Turkey as foreign audience and can be shown to foreigners who want to learn Turkish Turkey outside. This field should be prepared as a special education program to be used.Comprises educators in teaching Turkish as a foreign language should be enough and training must be executed in parallel, in the sense of the world. (Göçer, 2011:808) Research within the scope of the problem is the result of seven meeting data asked theme distribution of rates. Teaching the science of Turkish language Turkish to foreigners of participants being of the program in which they will contribute. 3. Method 3.1. Research Model Turkish as a foreign language as the language of teaching science students for the Turkish contribution to the vision for determination of this research, qualitative research method of semi-structured interviews were carried out based on the approach. In this study, the analysis of the content of the data analysis. Non-significant themes and theoretical sense of content analysis if there analyzed are carried out in the form of creating themes (Yıldırım ve Şimek, 2006)3.2. Working Group The research study group, Bozok University Faculty of education Primary first grade Math teaching Department continued to study 32 undergraduate students. Turkish education outside objective opinion were covered in these students for research. After preliminary discussions, participants, they had voluntarily participated in the study. The use of real names to each of the students instead of based on the gender of the encodings. E1, E2, E3, E4, E5 codes male students, K1, K2, K3, K4, K5 codes states that female students. 3.3. Improving Data Collection Tool Semi-structured interview containing the interview the interviewer, ask questions of form. Researcher, open the person's answers, and refinement. (Türnüklü, 2000). Interviewed by investigators preparing the questions examined in the relevant field studies. Also excluded from the workgroup Bozok University Faculty of education students 10 person to "Turkish as a foreign language as Turkish contribution to the science of teaching language, what do you think about?" questions were asked. The resulting data and taking into account the work of property 11-question interview questions.The validity of the questions prepared interview form scope and application in terms of the duration of the three-level expert opinion. Simple, clear, and preparing questions make sure appropriate literature. As a result of their of experts answers four questions interview form. Same again for the interview forms prepared expert opinions have been received and the final version of the interview form. Before you start to run the application, the principal of the conversation will be discussed and with similar properties to the people person, interview questions whether it is clear and understandable and that must be reserved for a meeting time. The result of the preliminary talks for a 25-minute period it was determined that the conversation just change. Depending on the flow of the conversation, people were asked to open their responses.The same word with the same question to every person involved in the investigation and has been noted in the same way as prompting. 3.4. Data Collection and Analysis The data collected will not be disturbed by students before, but will not affect the process of data collection is an empty class, school time on and will not affect the time course of the interview. Information obtained as a result of the qualitative research interview method with one of the content analysis data separately for each teacher candidate written in Microsoft Word environment, the resulting line of text read by reading with encoding technique. After this stage, the themes have been created. By reading the written texts for the purpose of research encoding. In order to provide trust in interviews with students, data are coded by two different researchers. Encoding the consistencies and reliability provided in this way. The average percentage of 83% was calculated as matching encoder. Yıldırım and Şimşek (2006) if there is more than 70% of the percent encoding numbness encodings is reliable. Interview form questions are included below: Contribution To Turkish And Turkish As A Foreign Language In An Interview About The Bowing Technics For Science Language 1-Turksh is important that science language? Why? 2-Do you think Turkish science language? Why? 3-As science in the world of Turkish language not seperate what do you think is the reason? 4-Turkish to foreigners Teaching English as a language of science contributes to happen? 5-See science of Turkish language of Teaching Turkish to foreigners contribution should do what works for your opinion? 6-The teaching of Turkish to foreigners as of work to date in this regard do you find enough and contributor? 7-Do you think aliens, however, he sees it as the language of science? Why do you think this way? Interview with given answers to content analysis themes and with table. 4. Results and Reviews Teacher candidates in the process, about the importance of having science mother tongue language in the case of scientific publication science language become the language of the future, in the process of technological development in the country, bringing with it the language of science, it is extremely important for the promotion of the country, the contact between Nations that would contribute greatly to walk the Earth in the process, the adoption of scientific language, the nation would contribute to the development of self-esteem, in the process, for the development of the country to become a tool of scientific language is , it is enough to be the wealth of science of Turkish language and in the process, is proud of having the language of science. The history of science of Turkish language teachers, enough to have deep, rich and easy to learn the science of the Turkish language, a language will make it easier for him to come into, which in turn will be able to submit to the importance and effort the language, the brain drain being the main language science not language would contribute, a common language in the world of science of Turkish language is an advantage when it comes to be, nevertheless is of foreign language teaching is an obstacle in this regard. Not common science of Turkish language teachers as the reason we're spending for internal and external security of energy channeled in this field, we can't because we have lack of scientific studies in the country, foreign prejudice against the country of resources, the country to the foreign language in the country wannabe to outgoing brain drain, as introduction of our country and of our good to not function, as it uses the language of emphasis of internal structure, language difficulty, Turkey and Turkish for common use in the world of undeveloped space or not they crucified him. Teacher candidates, contribution to the science of Turkish language Turkish to foreigners although bowing technics for the spread in the world in terms of the language, in terms of the recognition of the language of the country and is largely useful as finding very few studies on this issue are not sufficient and a cut will not benefit. Teacher candidates for the development of Turkish to foreigners this regard enhancing bowing technics for courses and training of experts of this field should promote, interstate agreements would be effective, it was necessary, prospectuses, teaching classes at the Turkish to foreigners to reach more people argue, certain conditions in the name of culture will attract attention in this field of promotion, competition regulation in this area to increase the participation of our country, scholarship stated that the contribution to science can impact positively in this field popularization of Turkish studies that might be effective. Teacher candidates, in the process, the current status of the science language Turkish to foreigners to be bowing Technics for in General does not endorse enough. The outsiders to the promotion of our country and our bowing Technics for Turkish language, indicating the importance of this topic with so far no working with met. Teacher candidates, the attitude of Turkish as a foreign language, science in general as foreigners do not support our development, our country is a country that gives foreigners the brain drain of Turkish science might be the cause of negative feedback on the language, not as the science of Turkish language biased stance against the Turks of foreigners is effective, was introduced to the beauty and richness of Turkish yet foreigners of the negative effect on your thoughts on the matter, the lack of use of foreigners, however, as the language of science, however, showed they hadn't seen, a tough Turkish language as the language of foreigners due to science, however, he did not see Turkey's undeveloped countries, because of the language of science was seen as a foreign language. Participants from 5 people is seen as the science of Turkish language for foreigners. Participants from five people declaring the reasons foreigners, however, he had not seen as the language of science. 5. Conclusions and Discussion Barın (2013), the language of the basic vocabulary in his study draws attention to the importance of the acquisition. As acceptance of a science of Turkish language and to spread the view that, however, he started making the rich vocabulary of learn is important. For this purpose, which is to be delivered to the audience in which period of the word tutorial by good. The European Community also investigate Ungan (2006) individuals to promote foreign language learning and their attention to provide convenience to foreign language learning. Lingua 1 and 2 programs supports it (Ungan, 2006:220-221). This is an opportunity on behalf of the teaching of Turkish universities perceived as mainly required steps must be discarded Açık (2008) study of Turkey Turkish is learning why the sixth question asked of 98% of respondents "because we want to study in Turkey" yielded the answer to 2% is "other" has revealed that the answer to. In order to read the Turkey who came to this group must take a serious sense of language training. In College, undergraduate or graduate, PhD will take the four basic language skills of young people learning they must have concluded that the necessary work is up to the potential of science of Turkish language reveals the existence of supply. The science of the Turkish language, the majority of the participants about the importance of conscious. The fascination with foreign language, brain drain, as technological immaturity of mother tongue is the language of science is prohibitive. The teaching programmes of promotion of Turkish to foreigners well done and is dominated by the dissemination of opinion. Science and scientific studies in the main language to be the language of popularization are noted as needed. 6. Recommendations Turkish is the language of science, the importance of language teaching Turkish to foreigners spread about counter-measures. In this regard, the introduction of Teaching Turkish to foreigners well done, is an area important to the planning support. Used as the science of Turkish language support in all respects. Participants by courses and increasing incentives in this topic dwelled on the recommendations. Leaving aside the foreign language is rich with Turkish fan promotion of well done, interstate treaties, such as the contest boosters with Turkish Training field to foreigners, etc. the elements must be supported. Technological advances in science and technology to work with Turkish and Turkish will be the language of science.


Turkish Studies (Elektronik)-Cover
  • ISSN: 1308-2140
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 4 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2006
  • Yayıncı: Mehmet Dursun Erdem