Kitâb-ı Tıbb-ı Hikmet, Eski Anadolu Türkçesinin sonlarında Hicrî 906 (1500/1501) yılında kaleme alınmıştır. 141 varaktan oluşan eserin her sayfasında 21 satır bulunmaktadır. Yazarı bilinmeyen bu eser, dönemin önde gelen tıp metinlerinden anlam çıkarma yoluyla oluşturulmuştur. Bunun yanında yazar, dönemin saygı duyulan bazı hekimlerinin görüşlerinden, halk arasında yapılan derlemelerden ve kendi tecrübelerinden de yararlanmıştır. Eserde dönemin tıp metinlerinin tertibine uyularak insan vücudunda meydana gelen hastalıklar baştan ayağa kadar sıralanmış ve daha sonra bunların tedavi yöntemlerinden bahsedilmiştir. Bahsedilen hastalıkların sağaltılmasında ise genellikle bitkilerden, çeşitli madenlerden ve bazı hayvan ürünlerinden yararlanılmıştır. Bu nedenle de Kitâb-ı Tıbb-ı Hikmet, hastalıklara önerilen tedavilerin yanında bitki adları, hastalık adları, organ adları, hayvan adları, cevher adları ve ölçü-tartı adları gibi pek çok alanda zengin bir dil malzemesine sahiptir. Eserde geçen dil malzemesi de çeşitli açılardan incelenmeye muhtaçtır. Bu açıdan bakıldığında eser, kendi dönemine kadar gelen zaman dilimi içerisinde yazılmış pek çok eserde bulunan tıp terimlerini toplu hâlde bünyesinde bulundurması bakımından önemlidir. Böylece eserde geçen terimler konusu daha da önem kazanmaktadır. Bu nedenle de çalışmamızda Kitâb-ı Tıbb-ı Hikmet'teki söz varlığı konularından biri olan yabancı terimlere Türkçe karşılıklar bulma çabası üzerinde durulacaktır. Öncelikle eserde geçen yabancı dillere ait bazı tıp terimlerinin Türkçeleştirilmesi çabasından bahsedilecek, daha sonra ise tıp dilinde bu türden yabancı terimleri Türkçeleştirme çabasının ne anlama geldiğine ve bunun bir dil için nasıl bir önem arz ettiğine değinilecektir. Böylece de söz konusu dönemde Türkçenin tıp dili olarak kullanılması hakkında önemli bilgiler elde edilmiş olacaktır


Kitâb-ı Tıbb-ı Hikmet was written at the end of the period of Old Anatolian Turkish in 906 (1500/1501) year of the hegira. There are 21 lines on each page of the book which consists of 141 folio. This book of which the author was unknown was composed by means of inference from the meanings of prominent medical texts of that period. Additionally, the author made use of the views of respected doctors of that period, compositions made by the society and his own experience. In this book in compliance with medicine texts written in that period, diseases occurring in that period is put into the order from head to foot. Then, the treatment ways of these diseases are mentioned. A variety of plants, minerals and some animal products are utilised in the process of treatment of these diseases. Thus, Kitâb-ı Tıbb-ı Hikmet, has a rich language including plant names, organ names, animal names, ore names and measure names in addition to recommended treatment ways of diseases. The language used in the book is in the need of being examined from different perspectives. The book is important in the aspect of having medical terms as a whole in the books written in that period. Thus, the terms in the book have gained more importance. Therefore, this study focuses on finding Turkish equivalents to foreign medical terms in Kitâbı Tıbb-ı Hikmet. Firstly, finding Turkish equivalents to some medical terms belonging to foreign languages is mentioned. Then, what the finding of Turkish equivalents to foreign medical terms means is expressed and how important this process is for a language is discussed. Thus, important information is obtained about the usage of Turkish as a medicine language in that period. It can be seen that many books, theses and articles about Old Anatolian Turkish medicine texts have been prepared. In these studies, more emphasis is put on phonology, morphology and lexicon. Considering the texts in terms of lexicon, plant names, animal names, disease names, organ names and measuring names are among popular subjects. However, there has been no such a study putting an emphasis on Turkish equivalents to foreign medical terms. This issue has been only mentioned as a part of studies related to phonology, morphology and lexicon. Nonetheless, finding Turkish equivalents to foreign terms is one of the important issues for a language since the data are the evidence of the development of a language and its usage as a scientific language. This study brings into the light the usage of Turkish as a scientific language in medicine from past to present. The book being analysed in this study carries general characteristics of medical texts in the aspects of the period it was written and its subject. In addition to the preference of more simple sentences, the efforts to make Turkish more effective are striking. It is seen that Turkish and foreign words used by the community for a long time are more preferred in this book. Additionally, the Turkish versions of some terms belonging to languages such as Arabic, Persian and Greek are written near them in order to make the community understand easier. This is the result of writing Old Anatolian Turkish medicine texts by means of translation method. It is seen that the author is in the effort to provide Turkish equivalents to foreign medicine texts. Some of these equivalents are foreign words borrowing from other languages while the others are Turkish origin words. In this book, Turkish equivalents are written to most of the words below while short definitions are given to some words. These equivalents are generally in the structure of “… ki / kim … dirler, … ki / kim …dır” but in some examples they are in the structure of “… yaǾnį …”. The author made a dictionary of Turkish equivalents to words that were considered not to be understood by readers. During this study, this kind of equivalents is identified in Kitâb-ı Tıbb-ı Hikmet, the meaning of the words in the text is expressed and some examples related to their usage in the text are given. It has been observed that these equivalents to foreign medicine terms are generally names such as plant names, disease names, animal names, and organ names. Some examples related to these equivalants are given below: bahaķu’l-ebyaż (Ar.) / aķlıķ: bahaķu’l-ebyaż ki aķlıķdur ki benek gevdeye düşer (81a/16), cereb (Ar.) / uyuz: cereb renci-kim aña uyuz dirler (86a/6), devāl (Ar.) / gök ŧamarlar yoġun ŧolaşuķ olmak: devāl bildürür devāl bir Ǿilletdür ki baldırdan olur gök ŧamarlar yoġun ŧolaşuķ olur (71a/2-3); būdįne (Far.) / yarpuz: būdįne yaǾnį yarpuz (37a/19), encere (Far.) / ıśırġan dikeni: encere ki ıśırġan dikenidür (59a/9), şaķāǿiķu’n-nuǾmān (Ar.) / gelincik çiçeği: şaķāǿiķu’n-nuǾmān yaǾnį gelincik çiçegi (81a/18-19); ħuffāş (Ar.) / yarasa: ħuffāş ki yarasadur (72b/9), sereŧān (Ar.) / yencek: sereŧān ki yencekdür; ħalefü’lüźn (Ar.) / ķulaķ ardında olan ŧamar: ķulaķ ardından olan ŧamar kim aña ħalefü’l-üźn dir[ler] (139a/7-18), Ǿırķu’ş-şefeteyn (Ar.) / iki ŧudaķ arasında içinde iki ŧamar: iki ŧudaķ arasında içinde iki ŧamar vardur anlara Ǿırķu’ş-şefeteyn dirler (139a/20-21), lehād (Ar.) / dilcük: lehād ki dilcükdür (107a/14); ĥacerü’l-yehūd (Ar.) / benį İsrāǿil zeytūnı: ĥacerü’lyehūd benį İsrāǿil zeytūnına dirler (59a/12), māst / yoġurt: māst ki yoġurtdur (131b/6), zebįb (Ar.) / ķuru üzüm: zebįb yaǾnį ķuru üzüm (23a/5)... The aim of finding Turkish equivalents to foreign terms is to make the society understand what is written easier and better. This has been the result of many factors such as the environment where authors and transcribers grow up, literary ideas they have and gentlemen they serve for. Therefore, a science language making Turkish dominant language develops. While giving Turkish equivalents to foreign words in the process of transfering the meanings, sometimes semi-translation method is used, sometimes full-translation method is used: : merķaşįşā-nūr (Ar.) > gice rūşenāyį (T.Far.), żīķu’n-nefes (Ar.) > nefes ŧarlıġı (Ar.T.); ħuśyetü’ŝ-ŝaǾleb (Ar.) > dilkü ŧaşaġı; iĥtibāsü’l-bevl (Ar.) > sidügi dutulmaķ... In cases in which not finding the exact equivalents of foreign words, a brief description is given: ekĥel (Ar.) > gevde ŧamarından aşaġa ŧamar, Ǿırķu’ş- şefeteyn (Ar.) > iki ŧudaķ arasında içinde iki ŧamar, devāl (Ar.) > gök ŧamarlar yoġun ŧolaşuķ olmak... In cases in which not finding the Turkish equivalents to foreign words or not preferring Turkish equivalents, another foreign word borrowed from another foreign language which is known by the community since they have used the word for a long time is given as an equivalent in order to increase intelligibility: Ǿaśfūr (Ar.) > aśpūr (Ar.), ĥıltįt (Ar.) > ķāsnı (Ar.), ficen (Ar.) / seźāb (Ar.) > śadef (Ar.), zaħįr (Ar.) > zōr (Far.)...The effort to make the medical language Turkish continues today. However, in these studies, ignoring some basic rules of Turkish makes the society alienating itself. In fact, suggestions of terms can be useful by means of revising this kind of studies.
