Investigation of Climate Change Protection Performance of G7 Group Countries with CODAS and EDAS Methods

The world can be made a better livable planet if countries take protective measures regarding climate change. Therefore, countries can be made more effective, effective and efficient in future climate strategies by being aware of their climate change protection performance. Thus, measuring the climate change performance of countries is of great importance. In this context, the research has two purposes. The first of these is to measure the climate change protection performances and the data of the components belonging to the Climate Change Performance Index of the G7 countries, which are among the top 20 countries that generate the most greenhouse gas emissions in the world, with CODAS and EDAS methods. The second is to determine the method by which the Climate Change Performance Index can be measured most within the scope of the method. According to the findings, the climate change protection performances of the countries were ranked as England, USA, France, Italy, Canada, Japan and Germany by CODAS method. This ranking was formed by EDAS method as England, USA, Italy, France, Canada, Japan and Germany. In addition, it has been determined that there are significant differences between the other countries of the UK in terms of good climate change protection performance according to both methods. It has been observed that there are significant differences between Canada, Japan and Germany countries in terms of performance with other countries in terms of being in the last ranks in climate change protection performance according to both methods. In addition, the Climate Change Performance Index values of the countries are positive with the CODAS method compared to the EDAS method, It has been concluded that the Climate Change Performance Index values of the countries can be explained better with the EDAS method due to the significant and higher value relationship.


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