Bu çalışmada Eski Anadolu Türkçesiyle tarihlendirilebilecek, muhasebe matematiği alanında yazılmış Mecma'ü'l-Kavâ'id'de geçen matematik terimleri incelenmiştir. Eserdeki matematik terimleri dil bilgisi özelliklerine göre sınıflandırılmıştır. Böylece Eski Anadolu Türkçesi döneminde farklı bilim dallarında eser veren âlimlerin bu bilim alanıyla ilgili terim ve kavramları karşılarken dil malzemesini nasıl kullandığı bir kez daha gün ışığına çıkarılmıştır. Farklı bilim dallarına ait bu tür eserlerdeki terminolojinin açığa çıkması Türkçenin bilim dili olarak günümüze geliş sürecindeki aşamalardan birini daha aydınlatmıştır. Çalışmamızdan yola çıkarak, Eski Anadolu Türkçesi döneminde matematik alanında Türkçenin henüz terim karşılığı olarak çok fazla kullanılmadığını; daha çok Arapça-Farsça terimlerin açıklayıcısı Türkçesinde bilim diline ait söz varlığının genişlemesinde çevirinin, Türkçenin yapı özelliği olarak türetme ve birleşik şekillerin ne denli önemli bir yeri olduğu bir kez daha ortaya konmuştur. Eserde geçen terimler açıklamalarıyla çalışmamızda yer almıştır. Terimlerin anlamlandırılmasında eserin açıklayıcı, didaktik üslubu bir kaynak teşkil etmiştir. Eserde matematik terimleriyle birlikte dönemin ölçü birimleri ve bunlarla ilgili açıklamalara da çokça yer verilmiştir. Ancak bu çalışmada ölçü birimleri incelenmemiştir. Bu yazıda öncelikle Mecma'ü'l-Kavâ'id'de geçen matematik alanıyla ilgili terimlere, bir bilim alanıyla ilgili terminolojinin 15. yüzyıl sonundaki kullanımına, Eski Anadolu Türkçesi döneminde matematik alanıyla ilgili dil malzemesine işaret edilmek istenmiştir


Muhammed, one of the scholars of Fatih and Bayezıid 2 era, on mathematics of accounting (ilm-i hesap) in the second half of 15th century (1494), is one of the works which illustrates its use in terms of scientific language in this century. Mecma‘ü’l-Kavâ‘id includes subjects related to accounting science. In other words, it is about "technical mathematics" used in Ottoman accounting system by council officers and companions. The book consists three sections. First section is on whole numbers, the second section is on fractions. There are forty problems with solutions in the third section. There are more than twenty copies of this mathematics book which explains the subjects needed by companions in a clear style, both in Turkish libraries and abroad. The reason which Muhyeddin Muhammed compiled Mecma‘ü’l- Kavâ‘id’i was to provide a temporary Turkish work for companions who were new to the accounting field. The writer explains that, he examined many "superior" books in this field, however he couldn't make use of these as they were compiles in Arabic and Persian. The reason that make him take action was to provide a comprehensive and Turkish resource for the newbies as well as accounting class. Until the period Mecma‘ü’l-Kavâ‘id was compiled the accounting works were generally run by people who represent the heritage of Selcuklu and Beyliks through resources in Arabic and Persian. In this period, the accounting system predominating Anatolia and the people running this system were of Persian origin. After the conquest, Ottoman accounting system started to produce its own resources. As accounting class was composed of Turkish bureaucrats and apprentices, the books in the beginner level were compiled in Turkish. We could see that Turkish equivalents of terminology were sought in various scientific works written or translated in Ancient Anatolian Turkish and when Arabic - Persian terms were used, Turkish explanations were added so that target audience could understand it. In terms of Mathematics terminology, some of the terminology (carryover, percentage, units, tens, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands) we use today were translated into Turkish as of 15th century. These new terms brought in Turkish expanded the vocabulary of Turkish and the explanations of the terminology are important to demonstrate expressional capabilities of Turkish language. Mathematics terminology in Mecma‘ü’l-Kavâ‘id were classified in accordance with grammar characteristics. This classification includes Turkish terminology expressed with a single word, terminology of Arabic-Persian origin expressed with a single word, Turkish and ArabicPersian terminology expressed with phrases. We could see that majority of terminology in form of adjective clauses, number groups and noun clauses provide information about number system of Turkish. However this section doesn't include all of the numbers used in the book. As an accounting book, Mecma‘ü’l-Kavâ‘id consists of the mathematical information which accountant class of the period required. The vocabulary which enables the creation of work and its reach to present day is important as examples of voice characteristics, vocabulary and illustration of scientific language. In our study it was revealed that he affixes in Turkish were used in generation of terminology by taking over different functions (for ex: birler, onlar,…, elde), some words became a term with multiple meanings (for instance, the verb gidermek was used for çıkarma operation, the verb vir- was used as equivalent for sayı eklemek operation), compound verbs formed with auxiliary verbs (cem‘ eyle-, darb it-, tarh it-, tecn‰s it-, teªl‰ª itetc.), some of the terminology was formed by adding derivational affixes to foreign words (hanelü, mā-baḳiyelü etc.). Although the Turkish words used in the work were not outnumbered, considering that some of the Terminology translated into Turkish back than is still in use today, leads us to think about the sensitiveness of professionals in translating the concepts from different areas of science into their mother languages. The equivalent words generated by professionals of the field could live in the language for a long time, as they facilitate the understanding and sharing of such information


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