Hem edebi hem de eğitbilimsel yazında, bir davranışı ya da düşünceyi, daha kalıcı kılmak için antropomorfizm ve animizm yararlanılması hususuna oldukça sık rastlanılır. Bu durum, ilk bakışta oldukça doğal görülebilir; ne de olsa amaç iyidir ve insanlarda istendik davranış ve düşüncelerin oluşmasına hizmet etmektedir. Ancak konuya eleştirel bir düzlemde bakıldığında, öğrenme sürecinde kullanılan yapıtlardaki hayvanların doğallıktan uzaklaştırılarak, onlara insana özgü değerlerin yansıtılması, gerçekçi bir biçimde alımlanması hususunda sorunlar yaratabilecek niteliktedir. En azından ilk bakışta iki sakınca dile getirilebilir: İlki, doğal dünyanın bir parçası olan hayvanların, kendi doğallığından uzaklaştırılarak ereksel bir bağlamda ele alınmasıdır. Bu erekselliğin, bilimin hedeflediği nedensel düşünceye geçişe ket vurduğu açıktır. Çünkü öğrenciler, doğaya insan biçimci bakma konusunda farkına varmadan koşullandırılmaktadırlar. İkincisi ise, eğitim yazınından beklenen amaçla ilgilidir; bu amaç öğrencilerin, antropomorfizm, animizm gibi somuta yönelik düşünceden, bir kılavuz eşliğinde adım adım soyut düşünceye doğru götürülmeleridir. Oysa doğanın insanlaştırılması, ya da insan biçimci bir dille anlatılması, bu sürece ket vuruyor gibi görünmektedir. İşte bu makalede, hayvanları konu alan Alman yazınındaki yapıtlar, anlatı işlevlerine göre sınıflandırılarak, eğitbilim açısından bir değerlendirmesini yapmaya çalışılmaktadır. Hayvanların artistik ve estetik unsur olarak kullanıldığı nesir ve nazım türündeki yapıtlar daha çok ortaçağ, aydınlanma ve romantik dönemlerin yanı sıra modernitede öne çıktığı görülmüştür. Önceleri hayvan figürleri, üstlendikleri insana ait olumsuz davranışları içeren zorunlu roller aracılığıyla olumsuzlukları göstererek olumlunun somutlanmasına hizmet ederken, devam eden sanatsal süremlerde bireysel ve toplumsal eleştirilerin yansıtılmasına aracı olmuşlardır. Bu zihniyet değişiminin eğitsel yansıması koşullanmadan yapılandırmaya dönüşümün izlerini taşır. Sonuç olarak bu yapıtların eğitimde kullanılmasının, ereksel bakışa ve insan biçimci bakış alışkanlığı yaratabileceği ve soyut işlemler safhasına geçişte kimi zorluklar yaratabileceğinden ötürü eğitsel rehberlik ilkelerine göre yürütülmesi ve bu konuda bir duyarlılık oluşturulması gereği ortaya çıkmaktadır


Both in literary and pedagogical works, antropomorphism and animism are frequently used to make a behaviour or idea more effective. At first sight, this may seem natural since the will is good and it serves the formation of good and required behaviour and ideas in human beings. However, if we approach the situation from criticism point of view, the problem is during their learning process, the animals in the literary Works are deprived of their naturalism that vwill affect their ealistic reception and reflect the values inherent to human beings. At first, two drawbacks can be seen; first, animals which are parts of the natural habitat and presented as a concept of purpose. It is obvious that this goal blocks the transition to causal thought which science targets for. Because students are conditioned before being aware of seeing the nature through humanitarian aspects. Secondly, in teaching humanistic values, an attitude based on causality leads learners to concreteness and assist them pass into abstract operations. Yet, it seems that humanizing the nature or, its being explained through humanitarian language blocks this process. In this article, worksorkserman Literature dealing with animals have been catogorized according to their narrative functions and examined in terms of pedagogical aspect. Works that have been written to handle animals as aesthetic and artistic elements have generally been produced in modernism as well as in the Middle Age, Age of Illumination and Romantic period. Formerly, animal figures, through the compulsory roles which include the negative attitudes of human beings, have shown all the negativeness trhus serving the positiveness to become concrete and they have also become mediators to reflect the individual and social criticisms in ongoing literary processes. The educational image of this mentally change traces its transformation from being conditioned to being constructed. Consequently, it has been demonstrated that using these Works in education should be carried out according to the principoles of educational councelling or guidance as it may be difficult to transfer to the abstract processing stage and and thus the need of forming awarerness in this respect arises. Both in literary and pedagogical works, antropomorphism and animism are frequently used to make a behaviour or idea more effective. At first sight, this may seem natural since the will is good and it serves the formation of good and required behaviour and ideas in human beings. However, if we approach the situation from criticism point of view, the problem is during their learning process, the animals in the literary Works are deprived of their naturalism that vwill affect their ealistic reception and reflect the values inherent to human beings. At first, two drawbacks can be seen; first, animals which are parts of the natural habitat and presented as a concept of purpose. It is obvious that this goal blocks the transition to causal thought which science targets for. Because students are conditioned before being aware of seeing the nature through humanitarian aspects. Secondly, in teaching humanistic values, an attitude based on causality leads learners to concreteness and assist them pass into abstract operations. Yet, it seems that humanizing the nature or, its being explained through humanitarian language blocks this process. In this article, Works of german Literature dealing with animals have been catogorized according to their narrative functions and examined in terms of pedagogical aspect. Works that have been written to handle animals as aesthetic and artistic elements have generally been produced in modernism as well as in the Middle Age, Age of Illumination and Romantic period. Formerly, animal figures, through the compulsory roles which include the negative attitudes of human beings, have shown all the negativeness trhus serving the positiveness to become concrete and they have also become mediators to reflect the individual and social criticisms in ongoing literary processes. The educational image of this mentally change traces its transformation from being conditioned to being constructed. Besides fables, tales,stories and proverbs, long prose and dramas in literary Works such as in epics and novels figures which servet he purpose have been given as symbols,protogonists or important anti-figures. Animals in the German Literature have been taken into consideration in their Works by a lot of writers such as from J d’Arras (1556), H.Sachs (1556), to Ezop (620-560), from La Fontainie (1621-1695), to G. E. Lessing (1792-1781), fron J. W. Goethe (1749- 1832), C. Brentano (1778-1842), to T. Fontane (1819-1898), from F. Kafka (1883-1924), to C.Wolf (1929). In addition to this, in visual arts a new animal World has been established beginning with Walt Disney (1901-1966). In literature, it is possible to classify animals in four groups. 1.Animals used as Giving a Lesson or Warning a. Fables In the fables of Aesop and La Fontaine, animals function to transfer didactic elements, show important humanistic values and to enforce social harmony. Since these Works have been written considering the Daily experiences, their transition depend on real life. They are free from adornment, short and easy to understand. The lesson is directly givento the reader.b. Tales and Stories One of the reasons why animals are preferred as the heroes or heroines in fables is their similarity to be an example of human types in several aspects. Their unnatural aspect is their being able to speak and act as human beings. However, on behalf of showing the bad sides of human beings, using and showing the animals in badly manners has made the children percieve animals and nature different than usual. 2. Animals, transferring irony The use of animals in German Literature as a means of humour and irony begins mostly with the Age of Enlightenment and continues with the following literary movements. Apart from the fables of G.E Lessing (1767) and ‘’Reineke Fuchs’’ (1794) of J.F Goethe, under the animal mask of ‘’E.T.A Hoffmann’s ‘’Nachtricht von den neuesten Schiksalen des Hundes Berganza’’ (1815) are important examples of ironical approaches to some human attitudes. 3. Animals as Spiritual Disharmony in Literary Works As animals in the Works of Romantic Period moved away from reality, they gained an aesthetic value/sense. Their acting as halh human half animal roles has transferred them into mysterious figures. This state has led to a magical atmosphere in a grotesque usage in the literary Works. 4. Animals in Literary Works with Social Criticism In most litwerary Works, in order to draw attention and criticize the limitations and intolerance which human beings are exposed to due to the authoritarian system, animal and animist reflection shaped with antropomorphism have been used with the aim of finding different human figures odd. B.Brecht and F.Kafka have used this this type of approach in their literary Works. A teleologic view to natüre and the World of existence as a whole has been extremely observed in the eastern societies where science is not established/rooted. It is perhaps fort his reason that Teleologic language takes everything as humane since humans have goals. Critical Pedagogy creates an opportunity to compare the objects with pure objects. That is it compares the human with the object itself. When looked from a different angle, the place of behaviouralist approach including the conditioning in some animal Works has been substituted by the understanding of structuring the knowledge gained through exploration and regression. Similarly, the essential goal of science education is to omit the biases and to bring the object and learner face to face, to give the learner the chance of making logicalmathematical and physical process on the object and thus to provide them to build himself/herself by emancipating knowledge from his/her actions. In child development, while the transition from concrete deeds to the abstract ones is so hard, using the literary Works which study nature and animals, a part of the nature, through humanistic values, will increase the problem a lot more. Consequently, it has been demonstrated that using these Works in education should be carried out according to the principoles of educational councelling or guidance as it may be difficult to transfer to the abstract processing stage and and thus the need of forming awarerness in this respect arises.


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Turkish Studies (Elektronik)-Cover
  • ISSN: 1308-2140
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 4 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2006
  • Yayıncı: Mehmet Dursun Erdem