Bu çalışmada, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı dersinde kullanılan soruların niteliği çağdaş öğretim yaklaşımları çerçevesinde değerlendirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Eğitim ortamlarında soruların kullanımında iki temel amaç/yönelimden bahsedilebilir: öğretmeye dayalı soru sorma (bir öğretim yöntemi olarak) ve ölçmeye dayalı soru sorma (ölçmeye, değerlendirmeye yönelik olarak). Bu iki temel yönelimin yanı sıra ders işleme sürecinde farklı amaçlarla da sorulardan yararlanılmaktadır. Bu çalışma, Türk dili ve edebiyatı eğitiminde bir öğretim yöntemi olarak ders işleme sürecinde kullanılan sorulara odaklanmıştır. Türk Dili Edebiyatı dersi, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı (9, 10 ,11, 12. Sınıflar) Öğretim Programı'nda (2015) da belirtildiği gibi metin merkezli bir derstir. Bu ders kapsamında farklı metin türleri üzerinden yürütülen okuma-anlama etkinlikleri (Metni Anlama ve Çözümleme, Eleştirel Okuma) çoğunlukla sorularla gerçekleştirilir. Bu çalışmada, metinlere yönelik kullanılan soruların; etkili ve anlamlı öğrenme aracına dönüştürülerek üst düzey bilişsel becerileri geliştirmesinde işlevsellik kazanmasını sağlayan nitelikler belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Sorular, öğrencilerin bilgiyi üretmesine aracılık ettiğinde (üretme etkisi) ve metin içi bilgileri metin dışına genişletecek şekilde düzenlendiğinde bu işlevi sergiler görünmektedir. Sorular; özellikle metin dışına açılan, genişletilen bilgi öğretim hedefi olduğunda metnin bütününe yönelen sorulara daha sınırlı yer verilmesi uygun olacaktır. Bu çerçevede, iki öğretim materyaline değinilerek sınırlı uygulama örnekleri verilmiş; metinlerin dersin kazanımlarına yönelik olarak değerlendirilmesinin önemine değinilerek öğretmen rehberliğinin sağlanmasında materyallerin ve soruların ders işleme sürecine uygun yapılandırılması gerektiğine dikkat çekilmiştir


In this article, the quality of the questions which are used in Turkish Language and Literature course has been tried to be evaluated within the framework of contemporary teaching approaches. There are two main purposes / directions in the use of questions in educational environments: Asking questions based on teaching (as a teaching method) and asking questions based on measurement (for measuring, evaluating). In addition to these two basic dimentions, questions may used for different purposes. This study focuses on the questions which are used in the course process as a teaching method in Turkish language and literature education. As mentioned in 2015 Turkish Language and Instruction program, Turkish Language and literature course is textcentered. Within the scope of this course, reading-comprehension activities conducted through different text types (text- comprehension, critical reading) mostly carried out with quesntions. In this study, the questions which are used for texts; It has been attempted to determine the qualities that enable functionalization in the development of highlevel cognitive skills by being transformed into effective and meaningful learning tools. The questions seem to exhibit this function when the students mediate the generation of knowledge (the influence of production) and are arranged to expand the textual information out of the text. Questions; It would be appropriate to give more limited questions to the whole of the text, especially when it is the goal of expanded information teaching, which opens out of the text. In this framework, examples of limited practice are given with reference to two teaching materials; Emphasizing the importance of evaluating the texts for the achievements of the course and emphasizing that the material and the questions should be structured according to the course processing process in providing the guidance of the teacher. In today's world, social, economic and scientific developments give rice to rapid and important changes in many areas. Foresight abouth the technological developments that increase the speed of production and seperation of information, are likely to increase even more in the near future. In today's conditions the current information, which doubles every five years in today's conditions, will double in every 73 days in 2020 and after Yağmur, 2010:191). In such an age, the efforts of communities to accompany these developments, are the decisive factors in the formation of new understandings of the quality of education. The quality of the training has shifted towards approaches that prioritize educational practices that enable students to acquire new skills and competencies and to develop high-level thinking skills.Educational activities in the field of language and literature, when compared with other fields, shows a characteristic that should be emphasized. Language and literature education aims at a field-based and skill-oriented teaching and almost entirely based on the texts. The area that is predominantly leaning on reading comprehension skills provides the most favorable environment for developing high-level thinking skills. This course, which is carried out through texts, is a field where the knowledge from different sources of text is used together with the skills of reading and producing different types of texts. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate language and literature education, which includes multifaceted skills and knowledge, and effective and productive teaching methods within the framework of contemporary education approaches. It should be noted that the questions are need to be addressed and assessed within the context of contemporary educational approaches are used in educational settings with two main objectives / dimentions: A question based on teaching (as a teaching method) and a question based on measurement (for measuring, evaluating). In this context, limited sampling will be given by emphasizing the qualities that enable one of the teaching methods used in Turkish Language and Literature lesson to function as an effective teaching tool by acting from contemporary teaching approaches. In this context, the 5th, 6th and 8th grades of the first unit topic of "9th, 10th, 11th, 12th Grades (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th Grades) Curriculum (2015)" under "Introduction to Turkish Language and Literature" (2016), which is taught as the 9th grade teaching material prepared by the Talim Finishing Board, and the relevant sections of the 9th grade course book prepared by a literature education department of a foundation education institution. Text as a teaching material, It is necessary to determine what achievements are selected to be realized and how the learning experiences will be designed and which activities and teaching methods will be appropriate to reach these achievements. An effective teaching method to use a subject-oriented text-oriented derterm will lead to much more efficient results when used in basic mathematics teaching, with an interactive and exploratory understanding that encourages in-class dialogue rather than more effective direct teaching: “There is not only effective and less effective methods in teaching, but also the efficacy of each method depends on the subject [...]” (Borich, 2017: 24). The use of texts as the main learning material in the teaching of Turkish Language and Literature course emphasizes the question-andanswer method among the related methods and techniques. Because of its many advantages, the question-and-answer method is often used at almost every stage of the course: It is very useful to encourage learners to learn the level of learning of the current lesson and the level of recall of past knowledge while encouraging the learners to learn the information they want permanently (Ormrod, 2016: 283). Frequently used questions in teaching methods consist of openended questions as a form of the questionnaire that the students respond to (Demirtaşlı, 2010: 24). Question-answer as a method of teaching is an interactive method that is mainly used by oral communication channel. Interaction during the course , there is also a continuous measurement activity through feedback from the teacher regarding the correctness of each student-generated response to the questions. In this context, it is also possible to talk about the questions that teachers are not expected to answer in the course environment; Unanticipated questions are used that will provide different motivations such as attracting the attention of the student, directing it to research, or reinforcing the knowledge. In addition, the questions created for teaching purposes may include "guidance" to activate knowledge and intuitions; The content of the question can be used to suggest that the answer is partly embedded in the question. Therefore, if the question-and-answer method really becomes a learning tool, it gains a functional feature. As a teaching tool, questions need to be transformed into a medium that enables the student to recognize, correlate, and produce knowledge in the text of the student by creating an optic on the texts or other structured teaching materials. This optic created with questions should be able to reach the target achievements and organize the relationship to be established with the teaching content. On the other hand, the questions are the means by which the information in the reading resource should be constantly guided, extending beyond the limited source. In summary; It has been tried to draw attention to the importance of presenting the interactions in the course by transforming the texts used by teaching materials into contemporary and effective materials for the use of texts for this purpose and that the texts used as teaching materials in literary teaching should be evaluated within the course objectives and target achievements. The continuous expansion of texts in text-centered learning areas such as Turkish language and literature and the use of questions that provide information production from different types of texts as a teaching method are predictable results that will provide students with the most powerful contribution to higher-level thinking skills as well as improving the productivity of this field teaching.


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