Bu makalede Ebu'l-Hasan el-Harakânî'nin "emr-i bi'l- ma'ruf ve nehy-i 'ani'l- münker" anlayışı değerlendirilmiştir. el-Harakânî, Kur'ân-ı Kerim ve Sahih Sünnet'i çok iyi bilen ve seçkin Sahâbe'nin yolundan giden bir âlim olarak toplumda gördüğü yanlışlara kayıtsız kalmamış, bunları eleştirmiş, eliyle ve diliyle düzeltmek için çaba sarf etmiştir. O, bazı idarecilerin, sözde âlim ve sûfîlerin hatalarını görmezlikten gelmemiş, sorumluları ikaz etmiş ve bunu yaparken da bazen üslubunu sertleştirmiştir. el-Harakânî, tenkit ettiği kimselerden gelebilecek tepkilerden asla çekinmemiş, kınayabileceklerin kınamalarına aldırmadan hakkı söylemiş ve savunmuştur. O, hayatı boyunca "iyiliğin/ adaletin desteklenmesi ve zulmün/ kötülüğün engellenmesi" için mücadele etmiştir. Kendisini ziyarete gelenlere ve talebelerine de bu düşüncelerini aktarmış, her zaman iyilik yapmalarını, haktan ve adaletten ayrılmamalarını tembihlemiştir. el-Harakânî, bir kenara çekilip toplumdan uzaklaşmamış, sürekli civanmertlerinin eğitimiyle ilgilenmiş, hayat boyu öğrenmeden yana olmuş ve insanın eğitilmesi hizmetini en önemli faaliyetlerden biri olarak değerlendirmiştir. Zira o, "iyiliği emir, kötülüğü nehiy" vazifesini yapacak kimselerin çok iyi yetiştirilmeleri gerektiğine canı gönülden inanmıştır. Bu nedenledir ki, el-Harakânî dergâhına gelen ziyaretçilere İslâm'ı anlatmış, Allah sevgisini onların kalplerine yerleştirmeye çalışmış ve talebelerini de insan-ı kâmil olmalarını yönünde motive edip cesaretlendirmiştir. el-Harakânî'nin amacı, "müritlerinin sayısını artırıp onların çokluğuyla övünmek ve nüfuz alanını genişletmek" değil, sadece Rabbin rızasını kazanmak olmuştur


Abu'l-Hasan al-Kharakani is a great Turkish-Islamic scholar who accessed high moral authority by following Prophet and his Companions, educated thousands of students in his Dergâh, filled with faith, divine love, compassion, mercy and tolerance their hearts and who has taken a leading role in the upbringing of Khorasan Dervishes. In this article, the understanding of Ebu’l-Hasan el-Kharakani’s emr-i bi’l- ma’ruf and nahy-i ‘ani’l- münkar has been reviewed. elKharakani has criticized the mistakes he has seen in the society appropriately as a person who knows the Holy Koran and Sahih Sunnah very well. He has done his job both with his hand and tongue. He wasn’t indifferent to the faults done by some intendants, scholars and Sufis/ mystics. He has mentioned this negativeness and warned the responsibles. While doing these warnings he sometimes used a severe wording. el-Kharakani was never afraid of the reactions and has always said the truth. He has always fought for the good/ fairness and that malignity/oppression is blocked. He has always recommended to his visitors and his students to do kindness and being fair. el-Kharakani didn’t move away from the society, he was always interested in education, supported lifelong learning and evaluated education as one of the most important activities. Thus, he told about Islam to his visitors and his students and tried to give God love to them. His aim while doing all these was not only to increase his followers and enlarge the influence area but also to gain the consent of his God. The sufi mystics have accepted the Prophet Mohammed as a guide and an example for themselves. They have paid attention to the self reference, heart refinement, sublime of the soul which are the basic issues of mysticism, while they bring up their followers; they have handled out these issues in both their works and conversations. On the other hand, the subject of their mystic life is the Prophet Mohammed. Abu'l-Hasan al-Kharakani also takes the Prophet Mohammed as an example while bringing up his followers. He adopts the same thing as the Prophet Mohammed does within his Ashâb-ı Suffe. He is busy with the education and training. al-Kharakani is educated by the Islam scholars in his period and he is a Sufi who becomes sophisticated in the mystic issues. For him, compassion and tolerance are important in his education style. He approaches the people within respect and compassion without regarding difference in religion and sect, he accepts the aim of ontological being as a service for the humankind, he calls this matter as “the educated human” and he wants his followers to participate in the service for humankind. He does not see the certain worship enough; he suggests that Islam should be announced in a good way. For alKharakani, a human being should be in favor of learning through his life, he should apply these into the real life and he should teach the others. However, some authors introduced him as a humanist by misunderstanding the concepts located in Kharakani's teaching as love, compassion and tolerance and ignored the principles and the inspiration he has taken from the Qur'an and Sunnah. However, it is understood that Kharakani is an Islamic scholar who internalized the principles of the Qur'an and Sunnah and learned Islamic sciences under the quidance of master Kassab and managed mystical stages thanks to the spritual role model Bayazid and as a basic consequence of all, it has been understood that he maintains vast love, kindness, compassion and tolerance for all the creatures. el-Kharakani is one of the rare figures who develops on both scientific and mystical subjects and especially on mysticism subjects. When his words of full of wisdom are analyzed, contrary to the claims, it is understood that he is not illiterate and he is a competent scholar of Islamic sciences. Because it is impossible that an uneducated man told such a terse words. el-Kharakani gave striking messages when he shared thoughts of mind his disciples. These informations he gave to his disciples are to provide them to think big. He wanted them to reach these degrees when he was telling the high spiritual condition he lived. He taught that a man contemplating would plan his time and always use the time an effective and efficient manner and manage very important work. It is possible to transfer all of these religious experiences with good procedures and methods, a serious education and training, focusing on his work and self-selecting a good role model and following his teachings. Therefore el-Kharakani took himself Bayazid, a scholar who mystic, as a role model and intended to pass him in spiritual issues and reach a higher target. He managed to become one of distinguished the figures in this area as a result of perseverance and determination and left deep effect on those who came after him.


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