Güvenliğe Göç Olgusu Açısından Bir Yaklaşım: Ulusal Sağlık Güvenliği

An Approach to Security in Terms of Migration: National Health Security

The world has witnessed active migration mobility throughout history. This migration mobility has affected the socio-cultural lives, eating habits, lifestyles, education systems, politics and bureaucracies and health services of the societies. In particular, the unfavorable living conditions of immigrants/refugees/asylumseekers and those under temporary protection expose people to various health risks. This risk often affects vulnerable groups of society such as irregular migrants and workers, victims of trafficking and representatives of ethnic minorities. This situation, especially Polio, Tuberculosis, HIV / AIDS and other communicable diseases, is becoming more and more widespread among migration groups and is rapidly making the issue of immigrant health a priority. Reducing the health risks of migration and ensuring fair and effective access to health services for migrants and the local community is an important issue in migration management. The research question of our study is to examine the negative impact of migration on the health of immigrants and communities. For this reason, relational analysis technique, one of the qualitative research methods, was used. Among the content analysis technique, the evaluative analysis method was chosen; The answer to the research question was sought through a literature review. As a result of the in-depth analysis of the collected data, it was seen that the surveillance of infectious diseases among the migrating populations is quite difficult as it is not included in the national surveillance systems; It has been determined that this uncertainty created by irregular migration prevents the implementation of routine public health measures. In addition, it has been observed that social science studies on the emergence and size of infectious disease outbreaks in migration populations are insufficient in the literature; It has revealed the necessity of using the concept of national health security in the literature in order to investigate the speed and scope of epidemics and to contribute to global health security.


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Turkish Studies - Economics, Finance, Politics-Cover
  • ISSN: 2667-5625
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 4 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2006
  • Yayıncı: ASOS Eğitim Bilişim Danışmanlık Otomasyon Yayıncılık Reklam Sanayi ve Ticaret LTD ŞTİ